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Today is the day that the boys and I leave for tour again. I had just finished packing my last bag when Daniel walked into the living room.

"Hey, you ready? The bus to go to the airport leaves in ten."

I picked up my bag and slung it across my shoulder, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Daniel grabbed my suitcase and we walked out of my place. I made sure it was locked at then we rode the elevator down, and walked outside to where the bus was. Corbyn was already in the bus while I saw Jack stepping inside. Jonah and Zach were putting their bags in the back, where I could see Jonah being clearly annoyed on Zach. We walked over to them so that I can put my things in there too.

"That was the last time I carry YOUR luggage down four flights of stairs. What the hell did you even pack, a bag of bricks?" Jonah said to Zach, out of breath.

"No I didn't besides it's not my fault." Zach said sarcastically.

"Actually it is! You're the one who still fears elevators." Jonah said as I move in front of him to put my bag inside the bus.

They're dangerous!" Zach said as his voice squeaked.

"Go get on the bus you two babies." Daniel said as he put my suitcase into the bus.

"Hmpt." Jonah said as he walked away from us.

"He's twenty one and still acts like that." I said as I laughed a bit.

"Yep, what a sad life."

Daniel and I walked to the front of the bus where the boys, the team and crew were already sitting down. The boys manager was standing up, looking like he was going to make an announcement.

"Okay boys, now that everyone is here, just a few short things. First off I would love everyone to meet Avani." He said as he directed everyone attention to a girl sitting down next to him. "She is now going to be in charge of what you boys perform in. She will be designing your outfits for each concert and making sure you look presentable in the eye of the public."

We all greeted her will a smile and a wave. "She looks nice." Daniel said as he leaned to me and whispered that. I nodded my head and look over at Jack who was sitting across from me, he nodded his head in agreement too.

I'm not going to lie, this girl is gorgeous. She had short blonde hair but she pulled if off so well. Her makeup was amazing and she also had a nose ring, I've always wish I could pull one off.

"Next announcement," the manager said. "The fans surprisingly loved the prank, but please never again. Who knows how they will react next time and we don't need more drama to come along." He said as he looked at Daniel. I knew he meant the thing with Angi and I felt bad that he was making Daniel feel sad about it. Daniel looked down at the floor, I grabbed his hand and gave him a warming smile.


"No buts Jonah. End of discussion." The manager said, not letting any of the boys speak their mind.

And with that, everyone sat down and we started to ride to the airport.

Once we went through security and baggage, we started walking to our gate. This time we were taking an airplane but we still had first class since this was going to be a long flight. I was holding Daniel hand as we were both talking, and then Zach caught up to us.

"Yo you guys have to meet Avani, she's dope." Zach said as he looked over his shoulder. Daniel and I did the same to see Jonah and Jack talking to her, the three of them seeming to getting along great. Aspen looked at Zach, to which he then waved her to come over here.

"Oh wait Zach you don-" I said before I got  cut off.

"Hey, it's so good to finally meet you two!" She said all full of energy.

I smiled as her as she walked right next to me. 

"You must be Daniel." She said as she looked straight past me like I wasn't even there. She stuck her hand out in front of me and Daniel shook it, smiling. "Yes I am, it's good to meet you too."

"And you're Jonah little sister, Leigh right?"

I nodded my head, "Yep that's me."

"Aw so how old are you? Fifthteen?" She said with a fake smile as if she was joking around. "You like younger girls Daniel?"

"No, how old are you with that mom ass haircut, around forty?" I said without even thinking, just speaking sarcasm as if it was my second language.

"Okay ladies, we don't need these jokes." Daniel spoke up.

"You're right." She said as she took a breath and looked back at me like none of that just happened. "So what's your role in all of this? Do you do the makeup or are you apart of the crew or something else? I bet you do the stage setup, am I right?" She asked me. I didn't know if I should be offended or not.

"I just tour with my brother, my best friends and my boyfriend." I said as I faked smile to her. Daniel slightly squeezed my hand, I looked up at him and he knew exactly how I was feeling, I just needed to hide it better.

"Oh so you're just basically like a traveling girlfriend? Ohh like that one girl Kaylee? I had to learn about everyone before I could come, just one of the rules I was told."

I basically wanted to slap her.

"Definitely not like her, and that's not really the case either." Daniel spoke up. "In what ways did you have to find out about us?"

"Social media. See sometimes everything isn't true but I read a lot of nice things about you guys and you too Leigh."

"Well a part of that isn't true. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go walk with Jonah and Jack." I said as I couldn't stand to be around her anymore but I didn't want to drag Daniel into my own feelings.

"Wait so the drama I read about how you and Jack are so close is true." The girl asked me.

I bit down on my tongue and walked away, knowing I was going to explode on her if I didn't.

"I think we're going to have to work on you having a filter of what you say." Zach said to Avani. "Not a bad thing but I'll help you because I used to speak without thinking either." Zach said as he smiled.

"That's not something you should be flexing dude." Daniel said as he gave a confused but a you're so stupid face towards him. "But it's true, Zach could never keep a secret if his life depended on it." Daniel said as he looked at Zach, reminding him of what happened a year ago but didn't even need to say it because we were all thinking it.

I rubbed my forehead, "I don't know if I will survive this part of the tour." I said to Jonah.

"Yeah, me too."

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