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In was the next day and I still haven't see anyone else except Corbyn and Christina. I was laying in bed on my phone when my door opened up, it was Jack.

"Morning." He said as he walked over to me. I scooted over and he got under the covers with me, leaning on me.

"So are we not going to talk about what happened last night?" He asked me blankly.

I sighed and turned my body to him, "Call me out if I'm overreacting, but I saw Daniel kiss this random girl. And it wasn't just like a kiss, like full on making out with her and it just piss-"

"Was her hair like this fake blonde? Like she got it done in the dark?" Jack asked seriously.

I laughed a little, "Yeah, her. Wait why?"

"I just saw Daniel with her for most of the night, and so did the other boys except Jonah. We didn't ask about her because it didn't really seem to matter... but now I know it does."

"Should I really let this effect how I feel Jack?I mean I literally had sex with you and fucked around with Zach for months. All that we know is that Daniel kissed a random girl at a party."

"That's true but you have to remember that you actually thought he broke up for you for NO reason. We all know the reason now and to me in still seems like he likes you, so who knows why he did what he did with her."

I was going to respond but then I got a text from Zach.

Zachary<3-wanna go to the studio with me in ten?

me-sure but I'm staying in my sweats and hoodie

Zachary-fine by me cause so am i, meet me at my place

"Who is it?"

"It's zach, we're gonna head out for like an hour or two." I said as I stood up and got my shoes. "I'm going by his place first."

"I'll come with, Christina said he was making food and I don't turn down hungover food."

I laughed at his comment and we walked out of our place and down the hall. We both go into Jonah and Corbyn place first, I knew that Zach wouldn't be ready yet. We walk in to see Christina making pancakes while Jonah and Corbyn were on the couch.

I walk over and open the curtains more, letting the light in.

"Ugh turn the sun off." Jonah said as he put a pillow over his face.

"Come on Jo, drink some water and let's cure your hangover faster." I said as I went to the fridge.

"How you feeling?" Christina whispered to me.

"I feel good, the hangover isn't that bad." I said as I grabbed three bottles of water.

"Well that's good but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about Daniel."

Before I could even open my mouth, Daniel and Zach walk through the front door.

"Smells good Christina." Daniel said as he walked over to the boys.

I gave her a look and Zach walked over to me, "almost ready?"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes."

I gave the waters to Jack, Jonah and Corbyn, all three of them thanking me. Daniel looked at me and without thinking, I just reacted.

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