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"JACKKKK!" I yelled as I walked back into our place.

He came running down the stairs, almost tripping. He ran in front of me, making me take a step back so he wouldn't knock me over.

"What happened? How did it go? What did he say? Did it go bad?" He kept asking me question after question.

"Jack it went-"

"It went bad didn't it. Now I need ice cream, a movie, tons of blackets, hell I'll even do a face mask for you-"

"Jack! There's no nee-

"So it went good? We can celebrate then, I'm gonna need music, Chipotle cause that's your favorite, OH you like Whiteclaws so I'll go to the stor-"

"Avery calm down." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder. "It went...okay."

He paused, "So that means I need everything now?"

I let out a laugh as we walked to the couch, sitting down. "No Jack, not yet. Listen, it went good it's just I don't know how to feel. He apologized for everything, and even tried taking the blame for what Randy made him do. He said he was jealous and never felt like a good boyfriend."

Jack nodded his head, taking in all the information.

"He even said no matter what happens to us, he will still love me."

"And what did you say back?"

"That I would too, and that's how I honestly feel. He still wears the ring and necklace, and that shows a lot to me."

"So then what's the problem?" Jack questioned while raising his eyebrows. "How come it just went good cause that sounds almost near perfect to me."

"See I don't know why-"

"Leigh you have to rememeber it's not that you two didn't work out, it's what Randy made you two do. Most of the arguments were because of that too, and now that we all know that, maybe things can go back to normal."

"But will it? Randy can still control what we do and who the public sees us with."

"We've been talking about getting a new manager." Jack said as he looked at me in the eyes.

"Seriously?" I felt excited for this.

"Yeah, but we can't yet until we find one for sure. We can't really do anything without a manager so dropping Randy before we get a new manager would basically make us say game over. It's just a slim chance of happening, but if it does, what path are you going to choose?"

Jonah POV
"So how did it go?" I asked Daniel as he walked into my apartment.

"It went... good. I apologized for everything and we talked about our situation. How Randy basically got us into the mess but it's still a little my fault. How I was jealous, and turns out she felt that was because of the fans. I also told her that I would still love her no matter what, do you think I shouldn't of said that?" He asked me with a worried look on his face.

"I'm gonna pretend to not be her brother for a second, so no. You admitted your true feelings which is good, what did she say back in response?"

"She said she did too."

"Then you're good dude." I said as I patted his shoulder. "But remember, one conversation isn't gonna just automatically win her back. We have exactly one week before we go to Asia, make it count bro."

He nodded his head, "I will. Anyways have you seen Zach?"

"Nah, wasn't he with Leigh like an hour ago or so?"

Daniel nodded his head, "Probably. We need to start cleaning up all place so I'll go see if he's there still."

Daniel POV
I walked out of Jonah's apartment and down the hall, ending up in front of Jack's and Leigh's place.

I knocked on her door and it only took seconds before Leigh opened it.

"Hey dude." Jack said as he came up behind Leigh, smirking.

"Hey, sorry to bother but have you seen Zach? Jonah said he was here earlier and he wasn't with me in my place."

"He left about two hours ago, why?" Leigh said. Her facial expressions change, "Nevermind, I think I know the answer. If you wanna find him then just give Vienne a call." She said.

"Okay, thanks. Also Leigh, can we talk again later? I forgot to speak about something and it's kinda important."

"Yeah for sure, I'll be at your place in like five minutes if that's cool with you."

"For sure."

They both gave me a smile and closed the door. I started to walk back to my place and I pulled out my phone, calling Zach. It rang three times before he finally answered."

"Hey man what's up?"

"Why the hell are you with Vienne and what did you do to piss of Leigh?"

Leigh POV
"That didn't seem as awkward as it used to me, I see progress!" Jack said as he gave me a shove.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know."

"So all know the mood is happy and all, but are we gonna talk about you and Zach now?"

I told Jack everything. How I saw those messages, him hooking up with her since they reconnected, and what even happened it the car with Zach.

"I know I shouldn't of done it but I was just hurt because of Daniel and Luna."

"That's understandable, but the question is, are you gonna tell Daniel about it?"

I paused to myself, "I have to."

"Then go head over there now, you might as well since it looked like he has to say something to you to." Jack said.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone, heading back out the door.

When I reached his door, I knocked and he opened it quickly, allowing me to come in.

"I know I should of said this earlier but I wanted to talk about Luna. I had no clue who she was and who her family was. I know random hookups are bad, no matter how big or small they are. But please please know, I never spoke bad about you. The only thing I did say about you was that I wasn't completely over you, and I couldn't continue to do things with her. I can call her and clear things up because I want you to know that I regret that I kissed her, especially knowing that you were there."

"It's alright Daniel, it hurt me to see it, I won't lie about it. But knowing that it hurt me just proves that I still have feelings for you Dani. But I need to confess something too. When Corbyn confronted you about the kiss, causing me to storm out with Zach. Well when we were in the studio parking lot, I might have hookup with him again. I didn't I have sex with him but I know I shouldn't have done it and I regret it. I was just hurt but I don't wanna use that as my excuse plus-"

"Leigh, it's alright. I get it, I hurt you again and I started it. But can you tell me something, does that mean you love Zach?"

I could see the hurt in his eyes, waiting for me to speak up.

I took his hands and looked at him in the eyes, "Love is a strong word Daniel. I love all five of you, I love my family, I love Christina, I love my friends, and I love a lot more things.. But my love for you is different, and it's not the same love I have for Zach."

Daniel smiled wide as he pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me tightly. His arms were around my waist as mine were around his neck, making me stand on my toes. I definitely missed these types of hugs.

I then heard the front door open, "Guessing I missed a lot." Zach said. We let go of each other and look at him, "Didn't I?"

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