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Yesterday after the call with Jack, I made my way down the stairs and over to Levi and Daniel. I didn't want to make any assumptions but I brought it up anyways because I actually wanted Jack to be wrong. Levi said he the helped pour the shots with her and he didn't see her do anything with it. He also said he turned his back for a second but swear she isn't the type of person to do that. I just decided to trust him because my head was hurting and I wanted to get home, besides I had to explain why Daniel and I didn't come home last night.

The next day I decided that it was time to film the part two of my video. Early in the morning we all sat down at the table and talked about what was going to be said.

"You sure you wanna say that L?" Jonah ask as he rubbed his face.

"Only if Zach's comfortable with it, are you?" I said as I turned my head to him.

"I'm cool with it, seriously. Besides, we know we want to say that we were forced to do everything. If we leave out that we technically were already doing things without showing the public, or the boys, the pictures wouldn't line up."

"Okay, but Leigh you know that there is a chance of you getting hate because of that part. You started the hookups with Zach a week after the breakup, and contuined for three months until you were then forced to post for a month or so after that." Christina said.

"I know and I if I get hate so what, it's not like I'm not used to it." I said as I watch all of the boys frown, "What? It's true but that doesn't matter right now."

"Okay, well what about the posts with Kylar? Are you gonna talk about that one too?"

I paused before shaking my head, "That's not really me decision. I did that for Kekoa and his treatment, if they wanna talk about it first then I will after. Also, I'm gonna need to talk about how Levi was never apart of this because some fans do believe that."

"Okay, that's good. Setting all of the true straight." Corbyn said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Now another question," Jonah said as he leaned fowards and put his elbows on the counter. "What about Jack?"

Jack and I looked at each other as if we were communicating between thoughts. We read each others facials really well and we both spoke at the same time.


"Look, I know that happened and all but it never became a rumor or anything like that. Everyone always thinks we would get together but that's been going on for the past two years, so there isn't any need." I said.

"She's right. Nothing was leaked about us two sleeping together so I don't think it's something that needs to be discussed." Jack followed up.

I felt Daniel's hand pull away from mine under the table when Jack spoke. He still says to this day that he isn't gazed by it, but everytime it's talked about, he gets upset or angry, but doesn't try to show it.

I grab his hand back and hold it with both of my hands, him looking at me. "I wanna say how I'm with Daniel again... if that's okay."

He smiled and nodded his head.

"That's not our decision, only you two but I say go for it." Jonah said with a smile.

"Okay, then it's all settled."

After that, I set up the camera and made sure everything was in place. This video was going to be the same as the first one, no cuts, no edits, no nothing. Just us and the camera, and nothing but the truth.

I first started off with only Daniel and I in the video. The boys went to Zach's place and left us in Jonah's to talk, which was nice. I started off by saying what happened, getting to the point leading up to the breakup. How we argued and we didn't really make up. Then we get into Randy, saying he found out and forced Daniel to break up with me. Daniel started to take over now, explainign that if he didn't, he could of lost his singing career or something bad could have been done to me. He didn't want to take that risk and the big picture was that he was protecting me. He wanted to set the record straight that I wasn't the one who broke up with him, he broke up with me.

After that I had Daniel leave and Zach come in, and this is when I felt myself get emotional. I was scared that I was going to be judged for my actions with Zach, but he helped me through it.

"After the breakup, I spiraled out. I was an emotional mess and I just decided to be angry then upset. I would be mad at everyone who tried to help, but for some reason I wasn't at Zach. We ended up going to this party that he agreed with me to go, but knew I shouldn't because of how I was acting." I said as I played with my fingers.

Zach put his hand on my and I dropped my head, not wanting to talk anymore and Zach understood.

"After the party we rented a hotel room and that's where I took that photo in the mirror with my suitcase behind it. That night, things happened between the two of us. I knew, we both knew, that we weren't in the right head space and stopped. I found out that the girl I liked had a boyfriend and that hurt me, so having Leigh felt warm, and she felt the same way because of the breakup she thought was real." He said with confidence but I knew it was hard for him to say these things.

I look up and begin to talk again, "That next morning is when you see the picture of the two of us walking back to our complex, the one that was on the exposing page made about me. Zach and I continued to do things behind everyone's back for three months, until we were them forced to make everything public like how everyone saw. Forced to post, forced to flirt in front of people, everything you could name. We won't talk about what those things were, but we never had sex."

I hear Zach take a deep breath and started to talk. "We hooked up for about three months, almost daily because for Leigh she was in so much pain and to me it felt good to feel wanted in a way. We never planned on sharing this but we are doing so because it has came for you needing to do it, not wanting too. But we all have talked about it, us and the boys and what happened, happened. We both knew it was wrong but we don't really regret it, it was just something that couldn't be prevented but I'm sorry."

After Zach talked, in came Jonah and the rest of the boys. Daniel sat on the other side of me and everyone was around us or behind us sitting on the back of the couch. We then proceeded to explain why Jack and I had a sling on in the last video. How we all found out that Kaylee and Kelani had the exposing page and now I was the one exposing them. I talked about how Kylar had nothing to do with it and neither did Levi, he was just a friend and that's it. How we went to confront Dylan and now him and Kaylee are together, how things were said and we all got into a fight with them. After that emtional talk, tears shed by everyone, we ended it by saying that Daniel and I were back together and we would love if fans excepted that.

Before I was about to turn the camera off Jonah spoke up.

"The reason we are saying this all now is because management didn't let us. So now, since you put us and my sister through so much pain and being forced to keep quiet, we dropped Randy Phillips, our manager. We don't know what's going to happen in the future but this is the last time I ask of this from you guys, keep out of our business. Please."

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