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Jonah POV

I was sitting on the stairs, elbows on my knees while I rubbed my forehead. "Leigh I don't have a good feeling about them." I slightly raised my voice.

Leigh was standing by the front door, leaning against it while arguing against me. "Nooo that's not what you mean. What you mean is that you don't like Kylar but you are more than good with Kelani staying the picture."

"Leigh why do we keep arguing about this? Just don't let Kylar in our lives and we will be good."

"And why do you get to make that decision?" She said as she walked closer to me.


Before I could finish talking, Corbyn opened the front door and walked inside. "Ah the classic Frantzich fight, what's it about this time?" He said as he closed the door. "Wait don't tell me," He said with a smile as he stuck out his hand to stop us. "It's about the Woods twins, I could hear you from the other side of the hall. If we get a noise complaint, I blame you."

"Corbyn you gotta be on my side for this one, don't you agree that Kylar gives off bad vibes?" I said as I stood up and walked over to him.

"And even if he does, we can't just leave him and be perfectly fine with Kelani."

"HA!" Leigh said as she pointed towards me.

"Buttttt I also agree with Jonah, something about them seems off. Like how can meeting them, when they lived in different states, be a big coincidence?"

"SEE!" I said as a threw my arms in Corbyn's direction.

"But in my point of view, we just continue to stay friends with them. And if something were too happen, we just drop, simple." Corbyn said as he grabbed his phone off the counter. "Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go call Christina."

"Tell her I said hi." Both me and Leigh said, shooting a glare at each other.

"Only if you two stop your arguing." Corbyn said as he walked into his room.

Leigh and I locked eyes, nodding at each other and then going to separate ends of the room. This was are way of getting over things without actually apologizing.

I heard the door open up and it was Jack and Zach walking inside. 

"Do you ever knock?" I asked while standing up.

"Mmmm nope." Zach said with a smile.

"Hey guys." Mercedes said as she walked down the stairs.

"Yo M I didn't know you were here." I said. "I thought you went out to go get food or something."

"Yeah I know, I heard you guys fighting and I just felt like I should of stayed upstairs." She said with a smile. 

"Dang it, I missed another sibling fight. They are always the best to watch." Zach said in a sad tone.

"Hey Herron, have I told you that you're really cute?" Mercedes said without hesitation.

 I almost choked on my own air when she said that.

"Aw thanks my parents made me." Zach said with a smile.

Jack choked on his water, which just made Leigh laugh at him. "Real smooth Zach." She said as she patted Jack's back.

For some reason I felt... sad. If she found Zach attractive and goes for him then-

"Jonah." Leigh said that pulled me out of my thoughts.


"Can I have a word with you?"

I nodded my head and we both walked upstairs to my room. "Dude, Mercedes is just playing around. We all know that she actually likes you, she is just teasing Zach but she is also trying to grab your attention."

"She wants my attention by calling my bandmate cute?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "That's her way of doing things and you know it. I'm just guessing she wants to make you jealous but I don't know for sure."

I nodded my head, "Okay, thanks." I said as I patted her shoulder and we both walked back downstairs.

"What was that for?" Jack asked.

"We were just making up from our fight from earlier." Leigh said as she gave me a smile, I returned one back.

"Okay well this was fun but I'm gonna go meet up with a old friend of mine." Zach said as he grabbed his phone.


"Her name is Vienne and she is from my home town. She lives here now because she is going to college here so we thought we would catch up."

"By catch up, he means have sex." Jack said blankly.

I watched Leigh laugh at Jack's joke while Zach punched him in the arm.

"What did I miss?" Daniel said as he walked inside with Angi.

"You missed nothing because that is not what is going to happen." Zach said.

"Jack made a joke about Zach banging one of his old friend who is living here now." Leigh said as she finally calmed down.

"My man." Daniel said as he raised his hand, wanting a high five from Zach.

Zach swatted his hand to Daniel as he laughed. "Like I said that isn't gonna happen."

"Okay good, didn't want to become an uncle anytime soon." I said with a smile.

"Oh sorry," Daniel said as he wrapped an arm around Leigh. "Looks like that plan is ruined."

Leigh curled her lips as she looked at Daniel. Before I could even say anything she busted out laughing.

"Oh my god Jonah no, we're just playing." Leigh said.

"But you should of seen your face! It's like you saw a ghost or something." Jack said with a chuckle.

"No but what I saw was Daniel going to be dead in a minute cause I would of killed him." I said as I let go of the breath I was holding in.

"Sorry man." Daniel said with a chuckle.

Zach left my apartment while Daniel walked Angi downstairs to her car. I was sitting on the couch with Mercedes, Jack, and Leigh as we were all on our phones.

The door busted open slamming against the wall. I jumped and looked to see Daniel slammed it, He was breathing heavy as his phone was in one hand, the other on his knee.

"You scared the crap out of me." Mercedes said as her hand one on her chest.

"Yeah me too, what's wrong? Did you sprint up the stairs or something?" I asked.

I quickly glanced at Leigh, who was still in the same position and her eyes glued to her phone.

"You gotta look." He said as he tossed me his phone and we over to Leigh. "Leigh give me your phone." He said harshly.

I gave Mercedes a confused look and she did the same, and then looked at Daniel's phone.

"Holy shit."

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