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I woke up in the morning to see that we were already at the venue and the boys were alreadg inside. I got up and went over to the front of the bus to see Christina sitting down drinking a cup of coffee.


"Good morning, is Avani inside too?" I asked as I poured coffee into a cup.

"Yeah, it's only me and you, I checked. I woke up like five minutes ago also." She said as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Okay good cause I need to tell you something."

"Oh boy, come sit." She said as she scooted over and patted the cushion next to her.

I then began to tell her about Daniel last night. I knew I had to tell someone, but definitely not Jonah, Jack, or any of the boys in that matter. I then told her about Avani, and how she is forced to tell Randy everything, and how I was nervous that she was going to tell him about the Jack and Zach part I told her in the airport.

"Shit, what do we do?"

"I mean can we do anything? Cause even if we try to talk her out of it, could she get fired? And if we do also confront her, imagine how embarrassed and guilty she would feel." I said.

"Rightttt, but if we don't we know Randy will know for sure by the end of the day, if not sooner."

"Yeah." I said as I rubbed my face, "I know."

"But do you want the good or bad side of how I feel?" She asked me.

"Good first."

"Well girl I'm so happy for you and Daniel getting back together. I knew you two would work things out, even if it was forced and all of that, which is still confusing but I get it."

"Thank you, but what's the bad?"

She sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "I feel like this won't end well. You are going to have to contuine your "friends with benefits" thing with Zach." She said as she air quoted with her fingers. "While you are dating Daniel, AND keeping that a secret from everyone, even your brother and best friend. And also, you two have to hide it from Randy, and who knows what he would do if he found out, it could ruin Daniel and maybe even Jonah. I mean I will support whatever you choose, but just think about it okay? I don't want to see you hurt again, you went through so much pain for the first time and it was all for nothing."

She was right. How am I supposed to continue things with Zach if I'm dating Daniel again? How am I supposed to get alone time with Daniel if we are all crowded onto a bus? And I definitely don't wanna ruin Daniel's life if Randy were to ever find out.

"But how do you plan on faking being hurt by Daniel still? At first you couldn't even look or be in the same room as him. Now you guys could accidently slip up and who knows who is watching." She asked me as she got up.

"I actually have no idea... shit. I'm gonna need to talk to Daniel." I said as I rubbed my face.

"Yeah that's probably true. I'm gonna start getting ready though to go inside." She said as she opened the door to the bunks.

"Okay, I'm gonna finish my drink then start too."


The door closed and I sat there, thinking about everything we just talked about.

I heard the front of the tour bus open and I turn my head, waiting to see who it was. I heard thd footsteps and then saw the blonde hair as he walked up, realizing it was Daniel.

"Hey." I said with a smile as I stood up.

"Hey my love." He said as he walked over to me, grabbing my waist and puing me in for a kiss.

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