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Daniel and I go inside Jonah's room to talk. I close the door behind us and I face him.

"Leigh I'm-"

"No." I said cutting him off, "me first."

"I'm sorry that I'm a terrible and jealous girlfriend. You let me be close and comfortable with my best friend who is also like a brother to you. You completely trust me and Jack, and you always have, and I will forever be thankful for that. Now that your bestfriend is back, I need to do the same. This relationship is two ways and I will start to respect and continue to trust you with Angi. I love you Dani, and I promise," I said as I lifted up my hand with my promise ring on it and grabbed his too, "that I will try really hard and continue to grow as a person."

He smiled, "that means a lot, but I'm sorry too. I never talked or asked you if Angi could come down, and I should of because you are my girlfriend. And we both need to not let jealously come between us. Not Jack, not Angi and not that Kylar guy. And I'm also sorry about what I said at the party. I wasn't in the right mind and I know that you would never pull anything with Jack."

"It's okay, you were drunk and angry. I understand... but what did happen after I passed out?"

Daniel sighed. I only asked Jack about it and he said he didn't know about it and neither did anyone else. "You passed out cold so I picked you up and ordered an uber cause I was no in condition to drive. Seeing you out cold worries me and I sobered up enough to be able to help you. Once we got home and I made my way into your apartment and changed you, then put you in your bed." He then smiled to himself, "you asked me to lay with you, I thought you forgot everything in that moment but would be mad at me in the morning. So I spent the night with you then early in the morning I left."

I smiled as kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you for that. So are we good?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"We're good."

Daniel kissed me one last time and then we walked back out of the room. Mercedes was talking to Corbyn, Angi and Zach while Jonah and Jack were sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey guys, Kalani and Kylar were wondering if we wanted to go to the beach in about an hour." Jonah said to us.

"Who are they?" Mercedes asked.

"I guess you could call them new friends to us." Jonah said as he stood up.

"New friends or a new lover with a twin brother who you secretly don't like?" Zach said to Jonah, being sarcastic.

I watched Mercedes frown but then changed her facial expressions to like nothing happened.

"Okay buddy," Corbyn said as he patted Zach shoulder, "I think we are going to have to teach you to keep your mouth shut again."

"I say we go." Daniel said with a smile.

"Should we invite Avani?" I asked.

"I'll text her." Jack said as he pulled out his phone.

We all agreed and texted them that we will be there shortly. Merecedes went up to Jonah and Corbyn guest room while we all got dressed. I put on a two piece swimsuit and put on of Daniel's oversized shirts on top. I slipped on my sandels and I walked out of my room, to see Jack waiting.

"Avani said she can't make it."

I frowned, "Maybe next time."

We all met in the parking lot. Jack was going to drive Daniel, Angi, and I in his jeep while Jonah takes Mercedes, Corbyn and Zach in his car.

On the way there I started to talk to Angi more. At first it was a bit awkward but then it will all going smoothly. I would glance and Daniel sometimes and he always had a big smile on his face. I knew being being on good terms with his bestfriend was making him happy. And if he is happy, so am I.

Once we got to the beach, we grabbed all our things and met up with Kelani and Kylar. We introduced Angi and Mercedes to the both of them, and not going to lie, it felt awkward as Jonah introduced Mercedes to Kelani.

I grabbed Daniels hand and walked over to Kylar. "What are you doing?" He whispered to me but I ignored.

"Hey Kylar, I know that this all started on a rocky start but I want you two to meet properly. Can you two do that for me?"

Daniel smiled and nodded, sticking out his hand, "I'm Daniel."

He shook it, "Nice to meet ya, I'm Kylar."

Everything was finally going smooth. Everyone was started to become friends and that made me happy, even me and Angi.

Jonah explained to Kelani about being in a band, which she explained her and her brothers life story. After that we all went for a swim and it was probably the most fun I have had it awhile.

Once we were back on the shore and the sun was setting, the boys built a little boy fire. I was sitfing in Daniel's lap, playing with his lock necklace that I gave him, and he had never taken off.

He kissed the top of my forehead, "I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you more."

"Yo dude, come give me a hand." Corbyn said as he struggled with the fire.

I smiled and got off his lap, going over to the other girls. The boys finally got the fire started but we didn't notice. We were all laughing and having a great time, then my phone went off.

Seaveydaniel added to his story

I look up and see him smiling at me. I click on his story to see this.

 I click on his story to see this

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Then I got a text from him.

My love- love to see you guys all getting along, but I definitely love seeing a smile on your face even more:)

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