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Part 2

"You're not serious are you?" Zack asked as the both of us were in my room.

"I am, and Jack is fun and you know that Dean. Hell, he was the first one you smoked with."

He pointed a finger at me and opened his mouth, but nothing came out except a sigh, "I hate it when you're right, but yeah it might sound fun with him."

"Then why reject the idea in the first place?" I asked him as I zipped closed my suitcase and stood up.

"Cause then it just us two after or during." He said as he stood up and came close to me, wrapping and arm around my waist. He walked fowards, causing me to walk backwards until my back hit the wall. He got close to my face, his lips barely touching mine. I looked into his eyes and he kissed me and then made a trail down to my neck. He began to suck on my neck as I put my hand on his hair, that's when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey can I come in?"

Zach quickly moved off of me and went to the bed, sitting back down as I replied,


Jack walked in and looked at me, "so both of you are cool with me coming right?"

"Yeah for sure man." Zach said.

"Totally, and also we are gonna leave in a little less then an hour for it." I said as I plugged in my flatiron.

"Okay sounds good, here I'm gonna take your luggage and put it by my at the front door." Jack said as he leaned over and grabbed it.

"Thanks Jack." I said with a smile.

I watch Zach stand up and grab his phone, "I'm gonna go start getting ready too, I'll be back in about forty five minutes." Zach said as he looked at me while walking out of the room, winking at me.

Once I was done getting ready, I sit down on my bed and put on my shoes. While I am, Jack walks in, "almost ready?"

"Yep," I said as I stood up and grabbed my phond off my nightstand. I walk ovdr to him and smile, "you look good."

"So do you princess."

I smiled and we walked out of my room just as the front door opens, Zach walking in.

"Let's get going." He says as he holds the door open for us.

Once we were in Zach's car, I started to explain everything to Jack.

"Okay Avery rule number one, never drink any things thats out in the open. Go for something closed, like a can or bottle."

"Wait wh-"

"Questions after." Zach said as he turned onto the main road.

"Rule number two, don't get with strangers, you have no idea where they have been or what they have." I said as Jack leaned up between me and Zach because he was sitting in the backseat.

"Rule number three, try to stay with someone you know. The houses are always huge and it can become crowded really fast, making it hard to find someone. And lastly rule number four, watch out for who takes a picture. You never know who shows up to these parties, you don't want to go trending with a drink, blunt, or girls in the same picture as you."

"That's... understandable." He said as he nodded along.

"And you will only know Leigh, Kylar, Kelani and I when we get there. Since both Leigh and I have been out more, we know more people and who we trust, some that I know you will like." Zach said as we pulled into the neighborhood.

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