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"Thanks again Ron." I said as I stood up from the seat and walked to the exit door.

"Just doing my job but I'm glad you caught me when you did. If you showed up five minutes later, I would have already been gone."

The second I ran out of the hospital, I ordered myself an uber that was luckily three minutes away from me. I figured one of the boys would have chased after me, so I ran down the street and over to a small corner store to wait out.

The jet that brought us here was also the one I left in. Before I got off the plane, when I handed the pilot Ron a note, I asked if he could stay an extra hour. Deep down I knew this was going to happen, and I was happy I asked him to stay and he agreed.

I nodded my head as I walked off the jet and down the runway, heading to the main strip of the drop area. I dialed Levi's number, I asked him to come pick me up before I went in the left Colorado and he quickly agreed.

"Hey, I'm at the front waiting." He said as soon as he answered.

'Okay, I think I see your car." I said as I looked at all the cars lined up.


I hung up as I see him wave through the windshield. I gave him a small smile as I opened the car door, climbing in and closing it behind me.

"What happened?"

I dropped my head as I tried to hold back my tears. Levi had no clue as to why I was in Colorado, he even doesn't know Daniel and I broke up. I've been so closed off I forget what I don't tell my closest friends.

"He hates me Levi."

"Who does?" He said as he pushed back my hair, tucking it behind me ear.

"And the worse part is, I want to hate him too but I can't." I said, ignoring his question.

"Leigh. Who?"

I paused before looking at him,"Daniel."

In the car ride back to my place, I caught Levi up on everything. Why we broke up, why I went to Colorado, him sleeping with that girl, and me still not realizing why Luna took the photo.

"Leigh I know I shouldn't say this but you should of called me-"

"I know! I was just so hurt and pushing people away was easier for me to do..." I said as my voice trailed off.

I grab my phone and realized that it was on ten percent. It was being blown up from Jonah, Jack and Christina, and I still haven't even looked at what Avani texted. I press the power button and shut it off, putting in face down in my lap.

"I could of helped you about the photo Luna took, which I'm sorry about."

"Not your fault, hell I'm still mad at myself because I don't remember any of it or who the guy is."

Levi stopped at the red light and gave me a shocked but confused face. "I didn't look at the photo for long cause I was to busy yelling at my sister. Here's my phone, can you pull it up and show me?"

I sigh as I take his phone, unlocking it and finding the photo from my instagram tags. I frown as I hand him the phone, "Please say you know him."

"I do, and so does millions of people... Leigh that's Gauge Pierce."

I put my hand on my forehead, rubbing my temples as I groan, "Please tell me you're talking about a different Gauge Pierce."

"I wish I could Leigh but that's him, Gauge Pierce. Pro skater who won Tampa Pro three years in a row, who's also related to Atticus Pierce-"

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