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"I'll see you in four days okay?" Jonah said as he pulled out of the hug. 

All of us were now at the airport, and it was almost midnight for us. I didn't even need to convince Jonah about letting me go home, he knew I had to go help my friends and that's just the type of person I am.

"Okay Jo."

"I love you, call me when you land okay?"

"I will, and don't worry I'll get an uber to and go straight to Levi's." I said as he smiled, moving back so I could say bye to everyone else.

I go to hug Avani and Christina, telling them that I'd see them soon and call me if they get taken over by the boys again. Next was Jack and Zach, them faking crying as they hugged me. Zach even sinking to the floor and grabbing my leg, not letting go until Eben ripped him off. I said bye to Corbyn, telling him that I couldn't want for him to be in California so we could go star gazing again. Then was Daniel, giving me a tight hug as he kissed the top of my head.

"Even though we spent a longer time away from each other, I'm gonna miss you."

"Dani don't make me regret leavinggg"

"I'm not! You're doing the right thing and I'm proud of you for that." 

I hugged him one last time and pulled away. I grab my bag from the floor and turn around, only to feel Daniel's hand tug on mine and pull me back into him. I put my hand against his chest and he leans down and whispers, "I know this isn't the cutest way to do this but I need to ask you something."

I felt myself turn red as I pull away and look at him, our faces close together. "What's that?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said as a smiled form, "Again." He said followed by a chuckle.

"Took you long enough." I said as I cupped his face and kissed him.

I pulled away with a smile and adjust my bag, turning around and walking off.

"Was that a yes!?" He said.

I keep walking as I look over my shoulder, "Of course it was."

He throws both arms in the air and smiles wide, "YES!"

Once my flight landed, I ordered an uber and texted Levi to let him know that I was here. It was around nine in the morning as I went to go get my luggage, I called Jonah just like I promised.

"You have everything right?"

"Yes Jo, I'm grabbing my bag as we speak."

"And you ordered a-"

"Yes I got one Jo."

"Texted Lev-"

"Yes Jonah." I said getting slightly annoyed.

"Just checking."

"I know, look I'm outside and about to get in the car so I'll call and update you later okay?"

"Don't forget."

"I never do, but if it's been over two hours Luna killed me and start a search party for my body. Levi said it's worse than yesterday."

I heard him sigh over the phone, "She's doing the right thing, she's doing the right thing, she's-"

"Jonah. I can still hear you."

Right, um okay. Limelight starts in an hour then we have a small break before meet and greet. If I don't hear after that I'll wait until we go on stage. That gives about three and a half hours."

"That should work, I gotta go but I love you and tell the boys and girls the same."

"I love you too and will do. I'll go tell your boyfriend first."


"Gotta go byeeee!" He said as he hung up.

I roll my eyes and  put my phone in my pocket as I get into the uber, giving him the address of Levi's home.

Once I finally arrived at Levi's house, I get out of the car and make my way down the long driveway. He said that his car was unlocked so I had somewhere to put my luggage. I open his truck and put my things in, closing it and going to the front door, already hearing Levi and Luna arguing. I open the door to see both of them at the top of the stairs, Levi holding something above his head and Luna tried to grab it from him. When the chime goes off, both their heads turn towards me, Levi looking relieved and Luna was the exact opposite.

"You texted HER!"

"CATCH!" Levi said as he tossed a small bottle from the second level to me, me catching it.

Luna shoved Levi out of the way and ran down the stairs, Levi chasing after her. I took a step back just as he grabs her arm and yanks her backwards.



"Luna you need to breath." I said as I stuck my arm out and took a small step towards her.

"Shut the fuck up! You have no part in this and don't you dare act like you understand me because you don't!"

"I DO!" 


"Luna I know how you were and this isn't you! You were two months clean and you get drugged up at a random party, of course it's going to effect you. I've been drugged, and even if I don't know what a relapse is with drugs, I sure as hell know that I have those types of issues when it comes to toxic people, those are my types of drugs! If you keep taking these things it's going to hurt you!"

"Like you know what's going to hurt me or not."

"Why do you think you have such bad panic attacks? You might think it helps you but it doesn't, I've been there but mine's different. Sure you may think smoking or getting high of meds is what helps, trust me when I smoke I feel the same. But the next day I panic and break, and it's not fun! You don't need these." I said as I lifted up the bottle.

I look past her to see Levi nodding his head at me, even completely letting his grip go of her. She was calming down and didn't even know it, and I knew the breaking point was about to happen.

"These things only fuck you up but you're stronger then that. You have been sober before and I deeply and truly know that you can do it again." I said making my voice calm. "So this is what we're gonna do, trust me okay?"

She nodded her head and I offered my hand, her looking at it before slowly taking it. The three of us walked up the stairs and go down the long hall, making out way to her room. "Are these the only one's?"

She nodded her hand as I did the same, us now walking to the bathroom. Kylar stops at the door frame and watched us as we go over to the toilet. We both sit down and I lift up the seat, opening the bottle and hand it to her.

"You can do this."

She nodded her head and she teared up, dumping all the pills down the toilet, me immediately flushing it. She then starts to cry, Levi coming up to us and going down the floor, "I got this from here."

I slowly get up and Levi looks at me, nodding his head and mouthing thank you. I gave him a smile as I walk out of her room and downstairs to the living room.


GUYS I FINALLY DID IT! After some thinking and planning I decided on what plot to do for my next story so the cast call IS NOW UP! You can go to my page and find it but it would mean the world to me if you go apply for it. It's going to be up for awhile so that everyone has time and gets a chance to apply! Thank you to the one's who inspired and help choose the plot for it, you all know who you are:)

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