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Daniel's POV
Once we finally reached the hospital, it only took a few more minutes for the other boys and Christina to show up. I didn't want to leave Leigh's side when we first got here but Corbyn eventually had to pull me away as the took her into a room. Since then, we were in the waiting toom, getting anxious by the second.

"How is she?" Jonah said as they ran up to Corbyn, Christina, and I as we were sitting in the waiting room.

"Don't know yet, but Jack you need to go get looked at." Corbyn said as we all looked at him.

The blood was drying up on his face and one of his eyes was now brusied and puffy. He's been holding his shoulder and hasn't let go of it either.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not dude."

"I said-"

"Are you here for Leigh, um Fra- Franz-"

"Frantzich? Yes." Jonah said always knowing that people can't ever get their last name right.

"Okay you guys can come with me, and we also need to check you out." The nurse said as she pointed to Jack, him sighing in responce.

She turned on her heels and began to walk down the long hallway before we reached a a hall that separated patients by curtains.

"She did take injury to the head, nothing major but do expect migraines for a couple of days. We do believe that she broke her collarbone due to the bone being raised more then normal, but we are going to do an x-ray. She also has a cracked rib on her right side, along with some bruises and cuts on her face and upper body." She said right as she opened the curtain for us to walk in. She then opened the one on the right of her and signaled to Jack to got sit on the bed so she can examine him.

The other five of us go to Leigh's side and she looks up at us, a half smile on her face. "I don't want to be here Jo." She said with a sad tone. After being in the hospital so many times, she grew to hate it.

"I know L." He said as he took her hand.

"Your hands." She said as she looked at her bruised, cut up, and bloody knuckles.

"I'll be fine."

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Like I can't breathe, but I've been worse."

My own heart was breaking for her, I hated seeing her like this.

"Your friend dislocated his shoulder." The doctor said as we all looked at Jack. "We're going to have to pop it back into place."

"How bad is it gonna hurt?" He asked with a look of worry on his face.

"It shouldn't be bad, but it depends on how long it has been out of socket."

"Hurts like hell." Zach said as he spoke over the nurse.

"Dude," Corbyn said as he slapped the back of his head, "Not helping."

"Whatttt? I've been there before!"

"And you'll be there again if you don't shut up." Jack snapped back.

"What you gonna do? Hit me?" Zach said followed by a laugh because Jack couldn't even move his arm.

"Both of you shut up." Christina said to them as she crossed her arms.

I felt Leigh grab my hand and she pulled my attention back to her. I lean over a little to hear what she was going to say to me.

"Dani I wanna go home. Please."

"I know love, I'll talk go the doctors okay?"

She nodded her hand as I heard Jack muffled a scream. I quickly turn my head to see him biting down on a rag as a different doctor popped his arm back into place. Zach let out a snicker as Jonah slapped his arm, "Shut it."

After spending as much time with Leigh as we could and talking to the doctor's, Leigh had to stay the night tonight. We all begged and the closest thing we could get was letting Jack stay with her throughout the night. Visiting hours end at eleven but since he was also "injured," she allowed him to stay and we could come get the both of them in the morning.

The next morning

Zach and I were the ones that were going to go get Jack and Leigh today. Jonah has had a date planned with Kelani and we told him he wasn't going to cancel. We all knew about the fight the two of them had, but they eventually got over it so we figured this date would make things better for the two of them

When we pulled up to the hospital, it was now ten in the morning. Zach and I get off the car, check in, and made our way to where Jack and Leigh are. Oncs we get there, Zach pull back the curtain and we see the both of them now in one bed. Jack's right arm was in a sling and so was hers, she was laying on the left side of him and her eyes closed and Jack was awake.

"She's only been sleeping for like an hour, she didn't sleep at all last night." He whispered to us.

We nodded our heads and walked closer to them, "We signed you guys out."

Jack nodded but showed that he couldn't move. I was going to pick up Leigh but with a cracked rib and broken collarbone, I wasn't going to risk it. I cupped the side of her face "Hey Leigh, we can go home now." I said in a soft tone as her eyes slowly opened.

In a slow pace, Leigh got out of the bed and I put my arm around her waist gently and she leaned against me. Jack got up next and walked next to Zach who helped him also. After a long walk out of the hospital and to the car, I was about to get when Leigh started to climb out of the car.

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?"

"I forgot my phone." She said with her eyes half shut.

"I'll go get it, Zach you take my keys and move out of the way for others to get by." I said as I tossed them to him, catching it.

I close Leigh's door and jog back inside, going to the room they stayed in. I widen my eyes as I see her phone, grabbing it and making my way out. I go to turn a corner when I ran into someone who was looking down and I was jogging.

"I'm so sor- Kaylee?"

"Watch where you're going Seavey." She said in a harsh tone.

She was dressed in a hospital gown, her face all bruised up and her hair in a messy ponytail.

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like? You put Dylan and I in here."

"Well you put Leigh and Jack in here too!"

"Whatever, just get out of the way."

"Gladly." I said as I took a step to the right and started to walk off.

"Hey Daniel!?" She said as I turned around to look at her.

"What do you want?" I said as I just wanted to get away from her and I continued to walk down the hall.

"Tell Kelani I say hi." She said with a wide grin on her face. "Do that for me, kk?"

I made a confused face until it hit me, and my jaw dropped. She let out a laugh and that's when I took off running. I made my way out of the hospital and into the car, slamming the door as I got in, out of breath.

"Dude what's wrong?"

I look in the back seat to see that both Jack and Leigh were asleep again.

"Just go home, and we need to call Jonah when we get there."

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