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"Come on love birds, today we're shopping so get your lazy ass off this bus!" Jonah raised his voice as he continued to walk off the parked bus.

"Yeah, I swear if I see you two kiss one more time I'll  throw up." Zach said as he grabbed his phone and went over to Jack.

Daniel and I were sitting on the front couch, smiling as he leans in and kisses me again.

Zach hunches off and does a fake gag, making a noise that sounded like he was going to throw up. He then started to choke on his own spit, causing Jack to laugh. "Come on bud." He said as he patted his back and the two of them walked off the bus.

"Let's go, before we get yelled at again." Daniel said as he stood up and offered me a hand. I gladly took it as my phone buzzed from a text. I look at it and ignore it, sliding my phone in my pocket.

"Everything good?"

Yep, nothing to worry about Dani."

We walk off the bus and make a game plan of what we wanted to do and go see. Corbyn, Christina, Daniel and I wanted to go shopping the most so we decided to stick together. Jonah, Jack, Zach and Eben decided that they wanted to cruise around and go sight seeing, then meet with us in an hour and continue to shop.

Once we made it to the strip center with all the stores, Daniel and Corbyn ran ahead like kids in a candy store.

"So how are you two?" Christina said as she bumped shoulders with me.

"What do you mean?" I said with a smile, making her smile and roll her eyes.

"Come on girl, if I was even blind I can see the connection going on again between you two. You keep posting him on your spam, and they're cute photos too, he's your lock screen, you're always in his arms and most of the time his kissing you or you're playing with his hair. I bet you two love each other again and have said it, haven't you?"

I felt myself turn red as I look down at the ground as we keep walking, making her gasp and shove me. "LEIGH JADE YOU DID!!"

"Shut up!" I said as I slap a hand over her face, Corbyn and Daniel looking back at us. I move my hand away and it looks like she's going to explode. "Yes, we said it. And to be clear I never stopped loving Daniel, ever. I don't think I ever will."

"That's so CUTE!"

I was going to respond but my phone buzzed again. I sigh as I pull it out of my pocket and look at the text, responding quickly and putting it back up.

"You good? It's been buzzing like crazy all day." Christina said,

I turn my head to see that Daniel was looking at me as he was standing by some clothes. I turn my head back and nod, "It's all good."

Jack's POV
We finally caught up with the girls, Corbyn and Daniel, who were just walking out of the store. Leigh was looking down at her phone and continued to walk. I step in front of her and stick my hands out, grabbing her arms as she looks up at me, "Sorry."

I pull her off to the side, looking to see that everyone was talking and not paying attention to us then turn my attention back to her. "Princess your phone has been going off since three in the morning, probably sooner but that's when I woke up and saw the brightness come from your curtain. What's going on?"


I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows. "Fine, I'll tell you." She said as she took a deep breath in, signaling that she was about to talk fast, something she does when she's anxious.

"First off Kylar keeps updating me about Kekoa treatment today since it's going to be his last round but before he gets better he has to get worse, and that isn't good because it's scaring Kylar and he is saying that kelani won't answer her phone but he doesn't want to leave his little brother along." She said so fast I was barely keeping up, but she wasn't even done. "Then Levi started to text me saying that Luna came home loopy and drugged, and he doesn't know what caused it but now she is relapsing and every time he tries to take away the bottle or pills they get into a physical fight and he doesn't want to hurt her and he's asking me what he should do and now there's a lot of pressure on me and I can't even go to Kylar and Levi because I'm here and I just feel really bad." She said, becoming out of breath.

I rubbed my forehead and shook my head, "Okay... that's a lot." I said. "Look, I can't have a long conversation with you about it all because everyone is around, but you should tell Daniel. He keeps giving you a worried look every five seconds, and we all developed some trust issues because of what happened. Just let him know and maybe he can help."

"But he can't help, Levi wants me to come and help him so bad that he offered to by me a ticket. That's how bad Luna is getting, plus both his parents are in Italy for their brand and doing some modeling thing or something, I didn't get the full details. No matter how much I dislike Luna, I don't want her to feel the way she is. I've been there and... It's just-"

"Leigh." I said as I took her hand, "You don't have to explain to me. I get it, but I really think you should tell your boyfriend and he can help you choose what to do."

"He's not my boyfriend Jack."

"Sureee." He said with a smile as Jonah walked over to us.

"You two done? We're going to another store." He said as Daniel walked over to us too, looking at Jack then back at me.

"Yep, let's get going." Jack said as he patted his shoulder and took off, going with Zach.

 I grabbed Daniel's hand and stopped us for a second, putting us behind the group. He tugged on my arm, making me look us at him as we walked.

"Are you okay?"

"Not reall-"

"Why what's wrong? How come you didn't tell me?"

I sighed and smiled, it felt good to see that he cared so much. "I'm physically okay, but I need to tell you something."

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