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Daniel POV

It's now mid September and today is officially two months of breaking up with Leigh. I'm surprised with myself that I have gone this long without telling anyone, but it was destroying me on the inside. I carry so much guilt and pain, knowing that I hurt the love of my life and there isn't anything I Can do about it.

If I did tell, who knows what Randy would do to me. He could ruin Jonah and Leighs lives, or even kick me out if he wanted too, and I didn't want to take that risk.

The last time I had an actual conversation with Leigh was when I went to her apartment. It killed me to see her cry and knowing that I was losing her. She acts out and does terrible things to herself during the day, then crys and gives herself panic attacks at night. None of that is healthy on any level.

"Hey Dani, you have any plans today?" Angi said as she sat down on my bed, across from me.

Over a month ago, I made a terrible mistake with her. Well... almost. We almost had sex when we came back from tour. She woke up when I was carrying her and all during the trip I couldn't stop thinking about Leigh. My heart was broken and Angi just put me into a mood that night. We did up doing things, something I wish I could regret but I don't for some reason, but it still happened. Zach hasn't said anything but Angi was loud and that freaked me out, another reason as to why we didn't go full out with each other.

"I think me and the boys are going to the studio to record, why?"

"Oh just wanted to see if you wanted to anything today, but you're busy so it's fine."

"I'm sorry, but we can do something tomorrow for sure." I said as I stood up and grabbed my phone.

"Okay, sounds good." She said as she also stood up and walked out.

I went onto instagram and saw Leigh posted on her instagram story, I immediately clicked on it.

I went onto instagram and saw Leigh posted on her instagram story, I immediately clicked on it

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I had no idea she was even here, let alone be with Zach up in his room.

I went into my contacts and called him, the phone rang once and then he answered.

"What's up?"

"I'm leaving in five to go to the studio, need a ride?"

"Yeah, let me grab my shoes and I'll be down." He said as he hung up.

I used the restoom and then slipped on my shoes, walking out of my room. Zach was walking down the stairs, Leigh following behind him.

"I'll see you later." He said to her and she smiled and walked out.


Leigh POV

I was with Zach when Daniel called and said that they were going to the studio. I knew I would end up seeing him so I just got it over with. As I walked down the stairs I felt his eyes on me, and I did catch a glimpse of him.

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