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Once the concert was finally over, I decided that I would go to the bus and they would drop me back off back at the hotel. It's a thirty minute drive back which isn't a lot of time I have left with them but it'll work for us.

I was waiting off side the stage for the concert because I didn't feel like going into the crowd. The girls stayed with me amd the three of us enjoyed watching the show from the side. As soon as Jonah and the boys came off the stage, he wouldn't leave my side. He kept his arm slung around me the entire time, and when the fans were waiting outside the bus, he quickly said his hello's and walked me to the bus still not letting go.

"I know the main reason you didn't come to Asia is because of the fans so I know you don't really wanna be in contact with them right now." Jonah said as we walked onto the bus, Avani and Christina following behind us

"Thanks Jo."

We sat down on the couch in the front of the bus and Jonah pulled out his phone, texting Kelani.

"How are you two?"

"We're doing really great actually." He said as he turned his body to face me, "do you think it would be a good or bad idea if we take her to the Australia part of the tour? I wasn't going to ask before talking to you, but since we're here..."

"I mean I think you should. It's gonna be a great bonding experience plus it's gonna be another two weeks of you guys being gone So counting these weeks that's like a month and a half with only a week break in between for her to see you in Cali when your done with Asia. That's my opinion but you also gotta ask the guys."

He nodded his head, "You're right, thanks though Jade."

The rest of the boys open the door and walked into the bus. I stood up and looked at him before walking away, "Anytime."

Jack walked over to me and opened his arms, wanting a hug. I smile and take a step before my arm gets yanked back by Jonah, pulling me back on the couch. He wraps his arm and leg around me, not wanting to let me go.

"Jo I only have thirty minutes to spend with seven people. I'll come back to you before we get to the building."

He paused before looking at Jack, who was pouting. "Fine."

He lets go and Jack grabs my arm as he runs to the back room, pulling me with him. He lays on the couch and pulls me on top of him, holding me as he smiled big.

"These next few minutes are gonna go by quick right?"

"Sadly yes."

"Ugh I wish you didn't have to leave just yet, it's not fair. I wish you could stay for the rest of the trip, Asia's awesome and I know you would love it."

"I know, me too Avery. I want to but we all know your fans don't really like me right now."

He sighed and we both sat up straight, him putting his hand on my leg. "I know and the boys and I were talking about making some type of public annocument about it all. I know we have to run it by you but we all hate seeing this effect you so badly."

I paused before acknowledging him, "I know and maybe you guys should... but it could just make things worse Jack."

"Well listen, we won't take about it right now. We are gonna be happy that you're here and not be sad anymore."

"I'd like that."

For the next five minutes or so, Jack and I just caught up about things, as much as we could because of the time. As soon as I was done finishing my sentence, Corbyn and Christina walked in.

"Okay Jack, my turn to spend some time with my girl." Christina said as she pushed her way in-between us, causing us to laugh and Jack playfully rolled his eyes.

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