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"Daniel I swear to God if you're lying-"

"I swear I'm not! Just please let me explain!"

It took everything out of me to not cry right here in the airport. I crossed my arms and looked over my shoulder, everyone was sitting down at the gate. I looked back at Daniel and pulled him to the side, "go ahead."

"Randy called me one day because he found out about our fight. And before you ask, Avani told him, but she had no other choice. I didn't know but turns put when she signed with him, he made her always tell what happens."

I started to think about what I just told her about Zach and Jack, which worried me.

"He also ended up seeing the photo of you and Zach smoking, again that was through Avani. You have the right to be mad at her but she can't do anything about it. But during the phone call, he said I had to break up with you. I know it sounds crazy and like a terrible excuse-"

"That's fucking right."

He sighed but kept going. "But it's all true. He said that by doing it, it will help bring in more fans, and help put more attention back onto me. If I was viewed as a single person, I would gain back some of my attention I had before we dated."

I knew that part was right, and it made me feel sad but angry. In the beginning, Daniel started to lose his normal attention he received because he had a girlfriend who was even a sister of one of his band mates, me. 

"Plus Randy wanted there to be drama, which is crazy I know. But he said when drama happens, more publicity which means more attention on us. All he cared about was growing that and not about our actual lives and relationships. And if I didn't do it and make it public, he said he would do something to you and Jonah. I don't know what that would be, but he practically owns Jonah career and he is very powerful with it. And there were so many things he could do to you too, and I couldn't let that happen. I know I hurt you so so much when I broke up with you, but in the long run I was just trying to protect you."

I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I should of believed him or not, but it did all add up. I never got a reason as to why we broke up because he couldn't give one to me in the first place.

"And has it worked?" I asked him.


"Did this whole break up work? Did more people come in and did it bring publicity?"

He sighed and looked down, "Sadly yes. The fans are realizing that you are getting closer to Zach and that even caused more. And not to mention, the whole exposing account isn't helping either. But as these months pasted by, I watch the fans excuse you of breaking up with me. They pinned you to be the bad guy and I just can't take that anymore. So I decided that I'm going to come out and say my part of the story, that I was forced and I never wanted to."

"Daniel you can't do that." I said as I looked at him like he was crazy. "You have your whole life on that line, I won't let you throw it away."

"I will of it means I can be with you... if that's what you want too." He said as he bit his nails.

I gave him a smile as I felt my eyes water, "Daniel I would love to, but still no. I rather watch you continue on with your career because I know that is your top priority, then rather you be with me even if it hurts that we aren't."

"Well I feel the opposite Leigh Jade. And I would do anything, and I mean anything if it means I can have you back in my life."

I stood there and looked over my shoulder, all of our friends were asleep in the chairs. I turn back to Daniel and look at him, his eyes sparkling as he waited for me to responced.


After Daniel and I agreed to something, we went back and sat down with everyone. I sat next to Jonah who rolled closer to me and pulled me in, resting his head on my shoulder. Daniel sat on the ground next to Corbyn and Christina who were asleep too.

"Everything good?" Jack whipsered to me as he was next to me.

I nodded my head and gave him a half smile.

"Okay, good. I'll wake everyone up when it's time to board. Go ahead and sleep, you need it." He said as he pushed up his glasses.

And with that, I rested my head on top of Jonah's and closed my eyes.

After our eleven hour flight, we landed in Germany at noon. We were all jet lagged as we grabbed out bags and waited for the tour bus outside.

As we saw the bus pull up, I thought it was the nicest one yet. After we loaded our bags under the bus, we all walked on and looked around. In the front was the main area. A small kitchen, a couch with a TV across from it and a little table to eat at. The sliding door opened which lead to the bunks. There were three levels of bunks on this one, and a total of twelve bunks. Once you pass the bunks you come to the small bathroom with a shower, and then another door. You open the door and there was the long couch with another TV, and a small setup for the boys to work.

We then all decided on bunks, the first three were Corbyn, Christina and Jonah. Corbyn was on bottom, Christina was middle and Jonah was top. The across from them was Eben, Avani and then Jack on the top. As you walk past those bunks, it was then Zach, me and then Daniel. The last three bunks were from anyone who would join us later, like a family member or sometimes Randy comes and stays in this bus.

"Today we don't have a show so I think we should all just chill and catch up on sleep." Jonah said as he pulled back the curtain to his bed.

We all quickly agreed as we began to climb in our bunks. The lights turned off, which let us to be in the pitch black. But luckily we have our own seprate lights in our bunk if we want to use them.

I put my shoes in one of the small capartments and start to cover myself, when my phone lit up.

Daniel- can we talk? I need to get something off my chest

I began to feel my heart race.

Me- yeah, I do too

Even if it hurt Daniel, I had to come clean about Jack and Zach.

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