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I was sitting on my bed watching a movie with Jack next to me. He was braiding my hair as I watched the movie.

Zach left about an hour ago and Jack could automatically tell something was up. I explained that I saw the text messages and that what he was doing with Vienne, and how I didn't know.

"Can you explain to me on why this made you feel so hurt though?" Jack asked me.

I sighed and paused before answering. "See I know I sorta did the same thing with you and that I could of ended up hurting the both of you two. But Zach has been doing those things with Vienne for who knows how long and it was definitely more then once. I don't even know if he plans on going out with her and me thinking this also makes me feel like I-"

"Sort of caught feelings?" Jack questioned. "Hook ups are supposed to be no strings attached, and you got hurt when you found out he was doing it with another girl."

"I hate it when you're right, but that means that you could even be mad at me. I had sex with you and it just ruine-"

"Leigh we aren't gonna go there. We both agreed to do it and it wasn't one way. I also know that we both had feelings for each other but it just wouldn't work out for us two, and we pushed those feelings aside."

"Yeah you're right. But back to Zach, it just pushed a button and made me feel weird when I saw the text. I- I can't put it onto words but it's just-"

"Was it like the time you first kissed Daniel while he said he broke up with Kaylee but he didn't technically? I mean you got put into a tough situation all because the other guy wouldn't get into trouble. Daniel sort what cheated even though it was a break but not really, and Zach kinda led you on too. He was going to continue both his hookups with you and Vienne, would he not?"

He was right, again. Zach would go to Vienne tonight and every time after when she would text him. He just probably won't because he got caught and he knows it.

"Probably but I'm not gonna assume without talking and asking him about it." I said. "Do you think I overreact a lot?"

Jack didn't hesitate, "There are a few times but once I look at it from your pint of view, not really. There are always multiple sides of the stories, plus you have been through so much shit that has brought you pain and you might not be able to get over at all throughout your life. It will lessen as time goes but it has left you mental scares, everyone has some." Jack said. "Was Zach all you wanted to talk about?"

Even he knew that deep down I wanted to talk about Daniel too. Then I was saved by the text message.

Dani-Can we talk right now? Please

Jack looked over my shoulder, "guess that's the universe telling me yes."

"What do you think he wants to talk about? Is he gonna mention Luna? Or Zach or you? Do you think-"

"Leigh calm down." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Whether it's good or bad, I'll be right here when you come back. Now up you go." He said as he shoved me off the bed.

I felt my heart racing as I texted him yeah, I'll be right there.

The usual long hallway to the other side where the other two apartments seemed to grow short as I needed up in front of Daniel's door in seconds. I knocked, praying it wouldn't be Zach who opened the door.

Luckily for me, it wasn't.

"Hey, come in." He said as he stepped back to let me in.

I have him a small smile as I walked inside, turning to face him.

"Zach's not here so it's just us. Listen I just want to talk right now, no arguing or fighting, just talking." He said as he closed the door.

"Okay, let's talk."

We walked over to the couch and sat down, awkwardly looking at each other.

"Look Leigh, I want to start off by apologizing for everything, uncluding from the beginning. I'm sorry that I caused an argument when Kaylee posted an old photo of you and Jack. Instead of focusing on her calling you out, I yelled because of a stupid picture. I'm sorry that I got mad about your friendship with Jack, and about the whole Angi thing. On how I never really fully trusted you, but the thing is, I did. I trusted you, I just didn't trust myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't trust that I could be the best boyfriend possible and that I would fuck things over, which I did. I didn't trust myself to make sure that I didn't become so jealous, which also failed. And I also should of said no to Randy and he stupid agreement. I should of told you or not done it at al-"

"Daniel no, Randy said he would but cut from the band and knowing that I would have something to do with that, would hurt me. I even agreed with Randy because I know the power he has, and I rather take the pain then see you or Jonah or anyone else have it." I said while I placed a hand on his knee.

I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I got involved with both Zach and Jack. I know that I shouldn't of done those things but, I don't know..."

"You were hurt, because of me." He said.

"No." I said as I shook my head. "Because of Randy."

We both were quiet, so I spoke up.

"Either way Daniel I know that original fight, we would of made up. We both knew we had something great going on between us and we never let a fight break us apart." I said as I felt tears form in my eyes.

"I know, but we did." He said as his voice cracked.

"Daniel I want you to know that I never thought we were toxic are not right for each other. You were the best thing to ever happen to me, and you were the most absolute best boyfriend in the world."

"Even though I didn't feel like it at some points, but you were the best girlfriend. I was so scared of always losing you, that's why I ended up jealous most of the time."

"Dani you're the one with millions of girls crawling at your feet. You meet hundreds at every concert and have thousands of dms from them. I was the jealous one too, I just never talked about it."

He grabbed my hand and let a tear fall, "That's true but I only cared about one girl, you."

I lift up my hand and wipe his tear, him softly smiling as he looks at me. Those sharp blue eyes made me feel like a weight was slowing lifting off of me.

"So what now Dani?" I asked.

He took both of my hands, "Even if we end up as just friends, the love I have for you isn't going anywhere."

I look down at his neck to see him wearing both his necklaces, our anniversary one and the promise ring.

"Mine's never going away either. I will promise you that."

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