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This chapter is going to be one of my longest and maybe the most emotional yet. I even had to separate it into two parts because it was over 4000s words. I even took myself on a rollercoaster while writing it; so sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy:)

Part 1

It's been a week and tomorrow we all leave for the Europe part of the tour. It starts on September 20th and ends October 22nd. Then after that we go to Asia in early November and finally Asia near the end of that month.

Our flight tomorrow is at night for some reason, I think Jonah said because of time zones but I didn't really listen to him.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Jack asked me as I sat down in the chair.

Right now I am with Jack, Jonah and Zach, getting my first tattoo.

"I'm sure."

The first one I plan on getting was the number 1998 tattooed above my elbow. It's the year Jonah was born, and he's getting on in the same spot with the number 2000. If I'm able to handle it, I'm going to get one that says just breathe. It will represent and remind me that I'm more powerful than the anxiety I have. Jack is getting something similar but not exactly the same wording, just the same meaning. And for my final tattoo, Zach and I are getting a small cross on our hand.

I decided to get the wording one first because I was told it was the most painful since I was getting in on my rib cage. I wanted to get the most painful one done and over with.

While I was getting that one, Jonah and Jack were getting their's by another artist. I was laying on my side in the chair, my shirt was raised and my eyes were closed as he started. It did actually really hurt, but I didn't want to show it, all of the boys have gotten tattoos before. I felt Zach grab my hand and I squeezed it as he continued to give me the tattoo.

After an hour of being there, and four of us getting new tattoos, we were finally done. We all paid for everything and were told how to treat it for the next week or so.

Once we were back home, Jack was helping me finish the rest of my packing.

"See isn't this better then doing it all last minute?" He asked as he folded a shirt.

"Yeah I guess you're right Avery."

"Wait what?" He said as he looked confused.

"You're right." I said as I repeated myself.

He smiled and put the shirt in my suitcase, "I heard you the first time princess, just felt good to hear you say it twice."

"Ha ha," I said as a smile appeared on my face, "very funny."

"I'm gonna leave soon though if that's fine with you."

"Yeah I'm almost done anyways, where are you going?" I asked as I grabbed my things from the bathroom.

"Call me crazy but I'm gonna cut my hair... like bye bye curls."

I felt my jaw drop. "Okay Jack Avery, you're insane."

He stood up and walked over to me.

"You know your label is basically your hair right?"

"Yeah I know but I feel like it's time for a change, and I think it's gonna look awesome. I wanna cut it but then dye it also."

"Well I can actually kind of seeing you pulling it off, but I will miss the curls." I said with a sad face.

He chuckled and tilted his head down towards me. I smiled and put my hand on his hair, playing with it.

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