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I rubbed my eyes as I rolled over to face the sun that was coming in through the curtains. My head was pounding and my body was still so tired. I sighed as I slowly got up and wlaked to the curtains, closing them to make the room dark again. I turn around and go back to the bed, where Zach was peacefully sleeping. I smiled to myself as I slowly got back into bed, not wanting to wake him up.

I grabbed my phone that was on the nightstand so I could see what time it was.


I rolled my eyes because I knew I probably wasn't going to fall back asleep anytime soon. I then look at my notifications. I had two texts from Jack, four from Jonah and also a missed call from him.

J avery-just wanted to know if you and Zach got to where ever you guys are safely   11:45pm

J Avery-whenever you get back, I need to talk to you                                    7:10am

brotha-where are you?                       10:41pm

brotha-jack told me about daniel, am I allowed to punch the living crap out of him          11:10pm

brotha-do you think a party is a good idea right now?                     11:55pm

brotha-can we talk today?         6:57am

I responded to both Jonah and Jack saying yes, then I turned off my phone and placed it back on the stand.

I sighed to myself and looked up at the ceiling, rubbing my face. I then started to feel Zach's arm wrap around me. He rolled closer to me and pulled me into his arms, I turn on my side to face him and his eyes are barely open but he has a smile on his face.

I put my hand to the side of his head and brush the hair out of his face. I smile softly as I roll back onto my back, which caused Zach to pull himself up and prop his arm up and rested his head in his hand. I turned my head to see Zach rub his eyes then look back at me.

"Good morning sleepy." I said to him.

"Good morning, now good night because I'm going back to bed." He said as he moved his arm and he head hit the pillow.

"But I don't want you to go back to sleep." I said as I leaned closer to his face.

what the hell was I doing.

"Oh really?" He said with a smile as he put his hand in my hair.


And with that, Zach leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back, and it started to become more passionate. He leaned up which made me lay fully back down as he started to crawl on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his upper body as his arms were on each side of my head, supporting him up. He lifted himself up and slipped of this black tank top, throwing it somewhere to the floor.

He started to go down the side of my face and began to kiss my neck. I pressed my lips together as Zach looked up at me, he knew that he had found my weak spot.

He continued to kiss my neck while his hands roamed everywhere, and eventually ended up under my shirt. He slowly started to lift my shirt up, wanting to know if I was fine with it. I grabbed the ends of it and started to lift it over my head, Zach moving so that I was able to do so.

His arms went around my waist and he pulled me closer to him, my back arching.

He stopped kissing my neck and started a trail of kisses down my chest and then to my stomach. As he got closer to my shorts, my heart began to race. He then stopped at came back to me, to where I then flipped us over.

I held his head and I went to kiss his neck, slightly sucking on his skin. My legs were on each side of him, his hands on my back and inching downwards. With one of my hands, I slowly reached lower as I still was kissing his neck, and rubbed my hand on his lower part.

I looked up to see Zach arching his head back, biting his lip. He groaned which I knew he was liking it. He looked back down and saw I was watching him, with that he smirked and flipped us back over again. His head was in my neck and I held it, breathing hard. Zach was looking down as then I started to feel him began to take off his sweats.

That's when I freaked.

I started to breath heavier, as I felt like I couldn't take in enough air. I tried to tell Zach that I needed to stop but nothing came out, and he wasn't looking at me. Tears formed in my eyes, one already rolling down my face.

"Leigh are you sure you want to d- oh my god." He said as he finally looked back up at me. He got off of me and went to my side, as I pushed myself up so I could lean against the headboard.

I didn't want to cry and break down, especially right now. Zach grabbed one of my hands and with the other, he wiped my tears.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay Leigh." He said as he tried to give me reassurance. I looked at him and tried to calm myself down, which was actually starting to work. He started to look hurt and the worry started to wash off his face. "Was... was it my fault? Did I do something-"

"No no no, everything you did was fine Zach. It's just the very last second I freaked out, I don't know I'm sorry."

"Hey, there is nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't of started this because I know you just broke up with Daniel and your feelings and emotions are all over the place. Trust me, I get that." He said as he looked down.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember Vienne? Yeah well she told me she was dating this dude and that actually for some reason hurt me. I guess we just both weren't in the right mind for this." He said as he leaned against the headboard too.

I put my head on his shoulder, "Zach I don't regret any of this, and I just want to make sure you know that. But, we can't ever talk about this again."

"I know, and I feel the same. Also, I don't want this to create weird tension between us, especially if you do end up getting back with Daniel."

I smiled and looked at him, "Never, I'll always love you and I won't let this get in the way of our friendship."

He smiled at me, "Good."

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