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"LEIGH JADE!" Was the first thing I heard yelling in my ear as I woke up. It scared me awake and that's when I saw Jack jumping on my bed.

He was laughing as he landed on top of me, knocking the air out of me. But I wasn't going to complain, I really did miss these wake up calls.

"I MISSED YOU!" He said as he hugged me tightly.

I hugged him around his neck and played with his curls, "I missed you more! Sorry I went to bed though last night, I was too tired to stay up any longer. By the way what time is it?"

"Almost 10 I think, why?"

I left Zach's place and six, I knew nobody would be up and that's a good thing. Once I was back here it took me another hour to fall back asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did with him.

"Just wondering, but let's go to Jonah's now." I said as I pushed him off of me.

I get up and we go to the front door, opening it and walking out. We walk down the hall and to Jonah's door, opening it up and walking in.

"LEIGH!" Jonah yelled as he ran over to me, smiling and hugging me. "I missed you, you definitely should of came!"

"I know and I missed you too!" I said as I hugged him back.

"Definitely could of used another girl." I heard Chirstina say. I let go of Jonah and look at her, a big and bright smile was on her face. I run up to her and hug her tightly as we rock back and forth.

"I missed you so so much!" I said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look at it was Corbyn. He smiled ad started to hug me and I let go of Christina and hugged him.

"Morning guys!" Daniel said as him, Angi and Zach walked into the room.

I gave Daniel a soft smile, wondering if I should hug him or not. Since I knew I didn't want things to get awkward, I walkwd over to him and hugged him.

"I missed you on tour." He whispered as he hugged me.

I close my eyes and smile to myself, when I open them I see Angi. That's when my mood dropped and I let go of him. I gave Angi a quick hug too and pulled away.

"It's been forever." I heard Zach say as he smiled.

I raised an eyebrow and chucked as I walked over to him, smiling and giving him a hug. He rubbed my back and we pulled away, going to the couch to sit down.

Jonah walked over to me and handed me a cup of coffee, I smiled amd grabned it from him.

"So update me, how was tour?"

"AMAZING! The fans were so sweet and there were a lot of fan projects, I know you would have loved to seen them." Corbyn said as he sat down, Christiana sitting in his lap.

"Most likely, I can't wait for the Europe part in two months."

"Me either, but from here on out, the boys and I are gonna spend a lot of time in the studio." Zach said as he placed a hand on my knee.

"Well that's good then, do you plan on coming along Chirstina?"

"I really hope so, but that all depends."

"That reminds me, Avani says hi and that she misses you." Jonah said as he looked at me.

"Aw I miss her too, but okay today I just wanna relax with you guys, have a chill day."

"I'm down." Jack said.

"Yeah same here." Daniel said in agreement.

Everyone else nodded their heads. "So what about a movie? We can watch it in Zach and Daniel's place since they turned their extra room into the movie room."

"Yeah we can do it there. Here how about Zach, Angi and I go set up while you guys grab any snacks you guys want." Daniel said.

"Sounds good."

Jack and I went back to our place and grabbed some chips while Jonah and Corbyn got the candy. We hurried back and went into their apartment, going up the stairs and into the movie room.

The movie room had three small level rises. The first and second level had three chairs, while the third had four. All the chairs reclined but you could also lift the arm parts and connect all the chairs to make it like a big couch.

Daniel ended up picking The Sandlot as the movie we were gonna watch. Christina, Corbyn and Jonah sat in the front. Daniel, Angi and Jack in the second row, then me and Zach in the last.

There are only five blankets so Corbyn and Christina shared one, Angi and Daniel, then me and Zach. Jonah and Jack got their own but they got the smaller ones, which still worked for them. I then I turned off the lights as Daniel pressed play, starting the movie. I watch as Christina snuggled up to Corbyn, they were the cutest couple I have ever seen. I sat down and watch Angi slowly lean into Daniel.

"Hey let's focus on the movie." Zach said as he touched my shoulder, making me look at him.

I nodded and looked at the screen, turning my attention to it. I felt Zach lift up the arm piece so we could share the blanket. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he let his hand rest on my knee. As the movie contuined, I would feel his hand slowly go up my leg, eventually touching the bottom of my shorts.

I looked up at him but he kept his attention to the screen, but I could see a small smile appearing on his face.

He squeezed my inner thigh and I felt his hand right on top of my area. He would slowly press onto me, knowing that it was turning me on. I bit my inner cheek and tried to keep focusing on the movie, which was becoming hard to do. With my right hand I grabbed his hand that was on me, and with my left I put my hand onto his lower area, palming him.. Zach sucked in air, not ready for what I did.

"I'll be back, restroom break." I told the boys as I stood up, looking at Zach before I walked out.

"Yeah I'm gonna go refill the chip bowl too." I heard Jack say.

"Nah dude I got it, I'm gonna go get more water anyways." Zach said as I was already on the other side of the door. I went into Zach's bathroom and waited. It didn't take long until he came in, setting the empty bowl down and grabbing my waist, picking me up and placing me on the counter.

It didn't take long for me and Zach and what we did. After he was finished, he made sure I was cleaned up and grabbed the bowl from the counter.

He leaned into me and looked at me, giving me the look that could literally end it all for me. He bit his lip and whispered, "can't wait for tonight again." He said as he finger ran down my jawline and to my neck. He gently wrapped his hand around my neck and leaned in for a kiss, but he didn't even touch my lips, just hovered and teased me. He smirked and started to walk away, closing the door.

My heart was racing, I stayed in here a little longer just to make sure Zach got back before I did. Once I was settled, I left the room and when back, Zach already back and sitting in his spot.

"Took you a long time, you all good?" Jack asked.

"Stomach was upset, do you have any advil or something I can have Daniel."

"Yeah sure, come with me." He said as he started to get up. I took a glance at Zach, he winked at me as he put a chip in his mouth, going back to watching the movie.

This boy drove me crazy, and in the best way I could imagine.

(YOU GUYS I get some uncomfortable most of the times when writing this AHHHHHH! And real soon I have to write even a WORSER one and idk if I should go into more detail cause idk if you guys want that or not let me know! I restrict myself with these but I also try not to cause I like to detail my stories, but let me know!)

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