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Once I was back in my place I went at sat on the couch, my head in my hands. I felt myself tear up as thoughts raced in my mind.

Jonah was right. I have been given so many good things and I fuck it up.

I got with three out of five boys from the band, all my options too! Corbyn has Christina and the other way my brother. If I just kept my cool, none of this would of happened. If I just never introduced Kaylee to them. If I dated Jack instead of Dylan. Hell, if I just stayed back in London and never came back the day I did.

All of my emotions were everywhere, it was making my head spin.


The front door opened and Jack popped in, slightly scaring me. I quickly wipe my tears as I look down at the ground.

"Hey, it's okay." He said as he rushed over to me, sitting down next to me and putting and arm on my back.

I leaned my head on him, letting my tears fall. "All it seems like is my life is just basically drama and crying now."

"I know Leigh, but I promise you that it will get better."

"Everything is just spinning, and I know Jonah is right. I fucking suck and ruin everything I touch."

"You don't suck."

I sat there and finally lifted my head off his shoulder. That's when I realized that he was crying too, just silently so I couldn't hear him. I looked at him in his soft brown eyes and I took a deep breath in.

Do you regret it?" I asked nervously.


"I don't know." my voice said shaking. "Everything."

He was quiet for a moment. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I was about to open my mouth to tell him to forget what I asked but he finally spoke.

"Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that happened to me. Because you were." he said with tears going down his face.

"Yeah." I said feeling hot tears burn my eyes. "you too."

"Things will work out on its own, and what happens to us will only been seen and known in the future."

I gave him a smile and nodded, "Thank you Jack. After all of this bullshit you were the one who stayed with me through it all."

"Through thick and thin." He said while he showed his ring.

I slowly open and close my eyes, breathing regularly now. Everything was stil seeming to spin and I didn't know why.

"Are you okay? You're pale and you keep rocking back and forth."

"I'm fine." I said while standing up.

"When was the last time you ate or had some water?"

Then I knew it. I've been so sad because of all the drama on tour and back home, I just pushed off eating. The last time was the dinner in Europe, before everything exploded.

"Fifty two hours ago, more or less, probably more." I said quietly and I walked to the kitchen, stumbling.

"Fifty two!? Leigh Frantzich that's not healthy."

"It's fine, I'll just drink some water right now and eat." I said as I grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

I put the glass to my mouth and started to feel my eyes close. My body swayed as I felt my hand let go of the glass, it falling and shattering on the ground.

The next thing I see is black.

Jack POV
"Leigh!" I yelled out as I watch the glass out of her hands and shattering everywhere. She falls to the ground but I was able to grab her arm and stop her head from making contact.

I step in the glass and squat down, grabbing her and pulling her away from the glass. Once I did, I get on my knees and lift her onto my lap.

"Leigh wake up." I said while rocking her body. My heart was racing as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, immediately calling the first name in my contacts.

"What do you wa-"

"Daniel it's Leigh!" I yelled into the phone.

"We're coming." He said then hung up.

I then didn't know what else to do, so I dialed 911. When I was on the phone, the four other boys plus Christina bust into the room.

"Leigh!" Jonah yelled as he ran up to us. "What happened?!"

"Hi yes- she fainted." I said to Jonah as I was on the phone asking for paramedics.

"She won't respond to noises or sounds." Christina said. "Check for a pulse and raise her legs up to get the blood flowing back to her brain." She said quickly, freaking out.

I watch Jonah lift her legs and Daniel reached for her neck.

"It's slightly ther- it's gone. There's no pulse! Fuck!" Daniel yelled, freaking himself out.

"Anyone know cpr?" Christina asked frantically.

"I do." Corbyn said as he fook off his jacket and got on his knees.

Jonah let go of her legs and moved to her side.

"Daniel, when I tell you to, you are going to lift her head up gently, squeeze her nose shut and blow into her mouth." He said while he started to adjust his hands on her chest. You are going to blow for one second, then pause, then blow for one more second."

He started to count under his breath as he started compressions. Jonah was holding one hand while Zach had the other.

"Now Daniel."

He did what Corbyn told him and they kept repeating.

Ten minutes pass and I could tell Corbyn was getting tired and weak. Sweat lined his forehead but he didn't stop.

"Where the fuck are they!"

I heard sirens and I get up and look out the window, seeing an ambulance.

"They're here. Just one more minute Corbyn you got this." Christina said.

Then there was a banging on the front door. I rushed and quickly opened it, multiple people rushing in and going over to where she was.

"Move back." They said as two other of the paramedics got the stretcher ready.

Everyone scrambles backwards and watches them lift her up and put her on the stretcher.

"What happened?"

"She hasn't eaten or had any fluids in the past 52 hours or so." I said. "What's going to happen to her?" I asked but they didn't answer.

"Anyone riding in the ambulance come with us." They said as they began to wheel her out.

Jonah quickly got up and followed them, the rest of the boys and Chirstina stood up from the ground. Corbyn was out of breath as he put his hands on his hips, breathing heavily.

"I have my keys, we'll follow." I said as we all looked at each other and ran out of the room.

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