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"We gotta go tell the boys about this." I said as I began to walk out of the room.

"No no no, we can't."

My jaw dropped opened as I faced Kylar. "I just told you that we are going to start telling everyone about what Randy makes us do. We have to go so when they do leave for tour and I post you, then can't get mad!"

"Leigh I-"

"You what? Kylar this is how all of us stick together and if you can't do that then-


I was taken back by his loud voice. He sighed as he opened the door and walking to the stairs.

"Kylar wait."

"Just hold on, Kelani can you come here for a second?" He said loudly.

"Everything good?" I heard Jonah ask as Kelani walked up the stairs.

"Everything's fine."

Kylar grabbed his sister hand and we walked back to Zach's room. He closed the door behind us and looked at her, "we need to tell her."

She looked at me then back at him. "Are you crazy? You heard what Randy said to us and I'm not gonna-"

"It's only going to be her that knows Kel! She-"

"Um I'm right here you know? I can leave if you want me too." I said as I interrupted them.

Kylar rolled his eyes at his sister, "We just didn't sign with Randy so that Kelani could make music."

"Kylar!" Kelani said, getting mad.

"He said he would pay for our little brothers chemo."

I felt my mouth literally drop open.

"Randy said not to tell anyone, especially you guys, because he would stop paying. See  that's why I'm signed but it doesn't make sense because I'm not even near the music industry. He said if I just said I was in it to manage her, then the story would sound fine to the public."

"I still can't believe you told her, I didn't even tell Jonah, my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend of like one day, get over it. Plus I had my reasons, reasons Leigh is going to explain."

And I did explain. I explained the fake breakup, the fake photos with Zach but how it was also real in the beginning, and anything else. Once I was finished, Kelani understood and excepted it.

"Just promise you won't tell anyone please. Unless until chemo is over." Kelani begged me.

I hugged her and promised. "How old is he anyways. I never heard you guys mention you had a little brother."

"He's eight." Both the twins said at the same time.

"We never really bring him up because then the subject of cancer comes up and it bothers us. He lives back in Hawaii with our parents, and his name is Kekoa, it's Hawaiian just like mine." Kelani said.

"Mine would be Hawaiian too, but I was named after my dad's step brother. They were really close and he passed the month I was born. Kailer was originally going to be the way to spell my name but since his step brother was Irish we went with the way if is now." Kylar spoke up.

"I'm so so sorry you guys." I said. I felt extremely terrible and bad for the both of them.

"It's alright, let's just get back to the others before they start to question us."

We walked back down the stairs and over to the boys. I sat next to Jonah and looked at him. "You didn't want her to post that photo and I know that's a fact. Is Randy making that happen?"

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