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"Thanks for helping." Levi said as we walked to the front door.

"Not a problem, glad I could help. You sure you want to leave still?"

"Yeah I'm sure, our friend Angel should be here any minute to watch over her. I've been stressing about Luna for the past couple of days and she knows that so she offered me a break. Plus I want to take you out because I basically made you come back here in such short notice."

"Levi I told you don't worry about that, I made the decision to come home and it's all good." I said as he opened the door, us two seeing a car pull up.

"Okay but still." He said as we walked outside, closing the door behind us. "That's her, I'm gonna go talk with her real quick then we can go, start the car for me?"

"Yeah I gotchu." I said as he tossed me the keys.

I went over to his car, opened it, got in and started it, making my way to the passenger side and climbing inside. Once I was, I go to text Jonah that everything was all good, also immediately I got a response that said "Good, about to go on, love you and call you after"

I put my phone down Just as Levi opens the door and gets it, putting on his seat belt and looking at me. "Where to first?"

When then decided that we should go get some lunch first then after we could go shopping or take some instagram photos, whichever one we felt more like when the time comes. We really didn't feel like going somewhere as public like The Grove because it was a Saturday afternoon, we weren't really feeling the get mobbed by people sort of way. 

"Okay there are few places that aren't as public but most of them are fast food, and I'm not really feeling that." Levi said as he turned onto the main street.

"Same but I'm not really wearing nice clothes either, I came from the airport with an oversize hoodie that makes it seem like I have no shorts on and a messy bun that you could call a rats nest."

"Then we can stop by your place first, no big deal. Besides, it's only about five minutes or so from where we are now."

So then after deciding, we were going to go back to my place, I change quickly then we choose a nicer place once we get back into the car. Once we were at the complex, we hurried inside and up to my place, walking in and going to my room. I go to my closet while Levi sits on my bed, looking around my room.

"Not to sound weird but if I had to picture your room, this is what it would be."

I let out a laugh, "You gonna have to elaborate if you don't wanna make that sentence seem weird."

"Well it just decides you so well, at first glance you have a lot of picture frames around your room, most of them are the boys and your family. Your desk is extremely organized, but you room is slightly messy, just sort of shows that you have set rules for yourself but can be carefree. Plus your room isn't like every L.A. typical girl, feels a bit like how I would imagine your hometown would be. That a good elaboration for you?" He said as he raised an eyebrow to me.

"You definitely know how to read a person." I said as I walked into my bathroom to change.

"What can I say, it's a gift."

I laugh to myself as I start to change my clothes, putting on something that was semi nice.

"Hey you gotta text." Levi said from the opposite side of the door.

"What does it say?" I said, not caring if he saw because I trust him.

It's from Kylar saying, "Hey I finally got in touch with Kelani, she's at the hospital with Kekoa right now as I pick up food. She said she left her purse along with some other things at Jonah's and she can't reach anyone, obviously. I know this is a lot to ask for but since you're back home, I was wondering if you could bring me her things? I think it's the easiest way possible because I'd figure Jonah would just burn it all."

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