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Zach POV

"nothing happens because you're wrong Zach." Daniel said as he pushed passed me and walked to the kitchen.

"You're joking." I said. "Did you hit your fucking head or something?"

"No I didn't and I'm not joking, I guess we jusy weren't meant to be."

"Then explain why you tried to tell Jack that you didn't wanna do it, whatever the fuck that means."

"It was nothing Zach, conversation over." He said as he walked back to his room and clsoed the door on me.

Daniel POV

It hurt me so much to say that I actually wanted to end it with her. I just knew I had to say that because nobody was allowed to know, I was too scared to see what Randy would do if someone did find out.

As soon as I shut my door, tears rolled down my face. I covered my mouth with my hand, not wanting Zach to hear me.

I hate be told what to do.
I hate being controlled.
I hate that I can't be with Leigh.

Leigh POV

I was back in my room, laying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I knew that eventually I would have to make a post about Daniel and I, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Hey it's me," someone said as they knocked on the other side of the door, it's Jack. "Can I come in?"


The door opened and Jack gave me a soft smile as he walked in, closing the door behind him. He walked over to me and sat next to me on my bed.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No Jack I'm not." I said as I didn't look at him. I knew if I took even once glance at him, I would cry.

"Look I'm sorry about you and Daniel."

"It's whatever, it's not like my boyfriend of a year broke up with me and didn't give me any reason as to why."

Jack sighed, I knew I was starting to come off as harsh.

"I know and it sucks, but hopefully he will come around. I am on your side but also on his, you two are both really important people in my lives and I don't want to get into the middle of it... again."

I knew where he was coming from, and I totally understood why.

Jack placed his hand on mine, that's when I looked up at him. He first looked at my neck then back at my hand, going on my ring finger, where my promise ring was.


"It's fine Jack."

Then the door started to open, "Hey Leigh I-" It was Zach. "So now you wanna start caring about Leigh?" He said ss he looked at Jack.

"Wait what?" I said as I leaned up.

Jack sighed and spoke before Zach could even open up his mouth.

"Before the whole fight, Zach could sort of tell that you weren't doing so good. How you were holding in everything and he told me about it. When he did I sort of acted like it wasn't a big deal, but now I know that it is. Zach and I talked about it and we're good now, but I'm sorry for not being there for you."

I honestly couldn't handle anything else on top of what I already was. I know Jack shouldn't always have to focus on me, but not even my best friend couldn't notice first.

"It's okay Jack, I promise, together forever."

He gave me a smile and looked at him ring, "And always."

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