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(You guys these next few chapters are gonna be A HAND FULL OR SURPRISES HAHA)

Last night I fell asleep in the back room along with Christina and Avani. When I woke up Christina was already awake, Avani coming in and out of sleep.

"Did you get this?" I asked her as I held up the blanket that was spread across us three.

"Corbyn said he did last night around two."

"And what time is it now?"

"Almost eleven. We're at the venue and the boys are already inside, but forgive me for this."

I gave her a weird look, "for what?"

Then the door busted open, revealing an out of breath Jonah.

"He asked me to text him when you woke up."

I gave her a half smile and stood up, walking over to him and leaving the two girls in the room.

"What do you want?" I asked as I push him out of the room, me following and closing the door behind us.

"I wanted to check up on you Leigh, is that so bad?"

I let out a laugh, "like you care."

"I DO! he yelled but then took a breath in. "Leigh it's been over 35 hours since you last ate, you only had some of the water Jack gave you which isn't good."

"I'm not hungry Jonah." I said as I walked to the front of the bus.

"Yes you are, what you are doing isn't healthy and I hate seeing you like this."

"Well maybe you should think about what kind of fandom you are in. Or maybe what kind of songs you are producing, and then you can act like you care again. How about that?"

"Leigh stop being difficult please."

"Me? Difficult?" I said followed up by a laugh. "Stop pretending you care Jonah. You only act like this when bad things happen."

"And I apologize for them!"

"Are you saying sorry because you actually are, or sorry because you got caught?"

"Leigh the fucking first one!"

"Jonah you wrote that damn song months ago and it never crossed your mind ONCE that maybe, hmm we shouldn't drop this because of the impact it could have on my sister? You know your fans stopped liking me the day Daniel and I broke up!"


I was taken back my his words, truly.

"Yo Jonah, don't go there." Christina said as I heard the back door open. Her and Avani walked out, interrupting us.

"You want to talk about relationships huh?!"

"Leigh don't..."

"Shut up Avani!" I whipped around and yelled at her.

Christina took her hand and with that, they walked past us and off the bus. It was probably for the best because you never want to get in the middle of our fights.

"Listen Jonah, you wanna talk? Fine, let's talk. Let's start off with the one subject that you have avoided with me for almost two years now, the fact that you slept with Kaylee while I was up in Paris?!"

"You guys aren't even friends anymore!"

"Key word, ANYMORE JONAH. She was my best friend and the time and you know it! I was going through shit because of moms breast cancer and you can't keep your dick in your pants while I was gone! And not to mention, YOU NEVER EVER TOLD ME! Not when I got back, not when it happened, not when she dated Daniel!"

"Fine I did! Happy?!" He said as he flung his arms up.

"NO! Now let's talk about your song Choose. Zach told me that when you were writing it you said, and I quote "I got options, you got options, but you're here with me, is a great line and it represents Leigh with her relationship with Dylan. They are dating but have you see her and Jack?" Like what the fuck Jo!"

"You liked him at the time and you know it Leigh Jade! It's not my fault you dated Dylan, you should of realized the shitty person he was in the beginning but it took a year and a physical abuse for it to get inside your thick skull!"

I felt the wind get knocked out of me. Being reminded that Dylan hit me was the worse feeling ever, and I was already so emotionally tired.

"Now let's talk about you and Daniel. You date him, fine okay. You knew the risk it would be if you two broke up, all the tension and drama, but it all still fucking happened! THEN you go around three months later with Zach, and you make it fucking public Leigh. I'm sorry but you are asking for the drama!"

I heard the door open and I look past Jonah, the other four boys walk on, Avani and Christina behind them. But to Jonah and I, it's like they weren't even there.

"NO JONAH! Because your stupid management won't let me say that Daniel was the one who broke up with me! That Dylan emotionally and physically abused me! That Kaylee was my source of my problems! That I'm focused to do things and keep my fucking mouth shut!"

"Well maybe if you kept your legs shut too, Zach wouldn't be a problem!" He yelled back at me.

"You know NOTHING about me and Zach!"

"I know that you have gotten with two l of my bandmates. Hell probably three because of Jack!"

"LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!" I screamed at him.


"I HATE YOU JONAH MARAIS!" I yelled as I felt myself tear up. I hit his chest with my fist and he shoves me backwards, causing me to stumble but I stayed up.

"Yo guys stop!" Zach said as he pushed passed the rest of the boys and got in bewteen us.

"Look your third boyfriend is here to protect you, thought it would be Jack and Daniel." Jonah said with a smirk.

I felt my insides boil. I stomp over to him and smack him across the face, hard. Zach was quick to react and pulled me away, holding my waist and I tried to get out and go back to Jonah.

Jonah held the side of his face and looked at us two, coming up to us but Daniel grabs his arm and Corbyn quickly stood in front of him.

"Dude stop, you crossed the line." He said with a hand on his chest.

"Fuck you Leigh!" He yelled at me again, pushing pass everyone and walking off the bus.

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