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It was the next day and I still felt so bad and broken. Everytime I looked at Daniel, all I saw was hurt in his eyes, which hurt me too. I felt so bad, but we both knew it was our only option.

I still haven't told zach about sleeping with Jack, and that Daniel and I trying to get back together.

I didn't tell Jack anything about both the boys.

And I didn't tell Daniel that I have to continue to do things with Zach, but go public with it all.

But I did tell Christina everything.

"Dude what are you gonna do?" She asked me as we were both in my bunk.

"I have no ideaaaa. I don't wanna hurt Daniel but I have to do what Randy told me, which is just gonna hurt. If I didn't find out about Daniel being forced also, everything wouldn't be as bad as it is."

"And if you don't do things with Zach?"

"Then it puts both of us at a risk. Zach could be kicked out or something could happen to Jonah, who knows exactly."

I paused. "Do you think Daniel is gonna hate me after this?"

"From what you told me, I don't think so. I think he would put the pieces together and realize that it really isn't your choice."

"But that's the thing, I still want to continue messing around with him and that makes me feel so terrible." I said as I put my head in my hands. "I don't know how to explain it."

"I think I get it. You want to contuine whatever you do with Zach because he makes you feel good. But on the other hand you don't want to because of two main things. You feel like you are going to hurt Daniel and that you feel exposed in a way. That if the fans know you and him are a thing or are doing something, it's going to make you guys feel weird and build tension between everyone."

"Okay how do you even do that, cause that's right." I said with a smile.

"It's a gift." She said with a laugh.

"But there is one more part, I feel like I'm betraying or hurting Jack in this process."

"Yeahhhh." Christina said, "I get that. You don't feel awkward as of right now but once you and Zach start to come out, you feel like you're gonna hurt him?"

"Yeah, that's exactly right."

"Well now that we both know how you feel, let's just push it aside and have a good day today." Christina said as she opened up my curtain to my bunk and hopped out.

I followed as we walked off the bus, seeing all five of the boys playing around in the lot. We arrived early at the venue so the boys were just messing around, playing basketball and joking around.

"Hey girls!" Avani said as she came up to us, smiling. "So um, Leigh I'm sorry again about what happened yesterday."

"Hey it's okay, both Zach and I understand where you are coming from. You have no control because of your contract." I said as I put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't want things to be weird between us but know that everything is good."

She let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you so much."

"Let's go girls, we gotta go in now." Jonah said as he looked at us.

We follow the boys and go inside, finding the green room and putting my things down.

"Hey Jade," Jonah said as he pulled me inomto the hallway, "is everything good?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, everything is fine, why?"

"Just because of yesterday, you kissing Zach and things just seemed to be weird between you and Daniel. More then normal, you know."

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