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Jack POV
Once we a finally got to the hospital and parked, Leigh was already seeking help while Jonah was in the waiting room. The five of us rush in and go over to him, him standing up as he sees us.

"What'd they say?" I asked him quickly.

"As of right now she's gonna be okay. They are pumping fluids into her as we speak and it's going to her stability. They also said if Corbyn didn't do cpr and the time he did, who knows what could of happened to her."

I felt a wave of relieve, I was so happy that she was going to be alright.

"As stupid as it sounds, we all might of seen this coming." Zach said.

"It's true. I knew that she stops eating when she is feeling down, it's just like how she was when you two broke up." Jonah said as he looked at Daniel.

"And she's been feeling terrible from everything happening. The leaked photos, the song, and now that whole argument that just happened."

"And none of you were fucking truly there for her." Christina said with her arms crossed.

We all looked at her, confused.

"Don't give me those faces. Jonah, you were there for her when the photos got leaked but what about when you produced that song? Or forgiving her for what she did with the other boys instead of flipping your shit." She said harshly. I knew right then and there she was gonna call all of us out.

"Zach, yeah you were there for the beginning, helping her with panic attacks and her breakup. Then as she started to push you away, you just went along with it."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"Really dude... out of all of you, you should have been the one to know that if she pushes you away, you have to fight against her and just hold her."

"Jack, you're her best friend. You know what to do to calm her down and you're there for her. You comforted her in the bunk the day after the photos were leaked. You chased after her when she ran out of the apartment after the fight. But you know your boundaries too, it doesn't even take half a brain for any of us to realize you and Leigh had a thing before her and Daniel, and maybe even after. It was only three months after a year of dating... come on."

She was right, what I did was wrong but it's something I don't really regret.

"Now Daniel. I understand where you are coming from, you had your career on the line and you were protecting yourself. That's not being selfish because the first, and actual time you told Leigh about it all, you were ready to throw it away if it meant you could be with her."

"Pause, what!" Jonah said wide eyed.

"I told Leigh the actual truth on tour, and we both wanted to date again but she didn't want to risk it, but I did. She made a hard decision just so I could be in the clear from Randy. When she told me this, she said what she does in the future isn't meant to hurt me. I always wondered what that was but I'm gonna take a long shot and she meant tat by Zach and her going public. Right Zach?" Dani asked him.

Zach nodded his head.

"So what do we do now? Everything knows all sides of the story." Corbyn said.

"We wait for Leigh, but as of right now you guys need to apologize and figure your shit out. I don't want one more argument when Leigh gets out of the hospital. While you do, I'm gonna go find a nurse and ask how long she is going to need to be here."

And with that, she grabbed Corbyns hand and they were off.

To sum it up, it took all four of us a good amount of time to apologize to one another. We had about three to four hours before Leigh was able to go home. Zach and I took my car back home to grab his car too, since we all wouldn't fit in just one. When we arrived back, Leigh was holding onto Jonah's arm as the five of them walked out.

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