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"Hey, you almost done packing?" Jack asked me as he walked into my room, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah almost, just finishing folding my clothes. Can you go grab my bathing suit that's on top on the bathroom counter?" I asked, not looking up.

"Yeah sure." He said as he got off my bed and went into the connecting bathroom.

"Thanks J." I said while still folding.

"Cute color bathing suit but what exactly is this going to cover up?" Jack said while holding it up to himself, laughing.

"Give it Jack." I said while laughing at how dumb he is.

"No but seriously, you're gonna make Daniel act up at the beach."

I laughed harder, "Oh shut up!" I said while throwing a sandel at him.

Jack handed me my suit and it was the last thing that I put into my suitcase. I sat on it while Jack zipped it closed for me.

"You're packed too right?" Cause we don't need to be rushing since our flight leaves at-"

"Seven in the morning, I know I know. No need to remind me for the hundredth time." Jack said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and wheeled my suitcase to the front door. "Are you excited?" I asked.

"Duhhhh." I'm ready to get tan, surf and drink out of a coconut."

"Just don't get sunburnt."

"Okay mommmm."

I laughed as I punched Jack in the shoulder.

"Okay let's go to bed, we need to be up early tomorrow. Plus I'm tired from packing.

"Thats what happens when you pack last minute." Jack said while walking to the stairs to go to his room.

"You know I always do that right?"

"Yes but looks who's fault that is?"

I chuckled and hugged Jack, "Goodnight, I'll come wake you up in the morning."

"Okay and Goodnight princess."

The next morning
My alarm went off at 4 in the morning. Jonah basically being the mom of us, he wanted to get their early. We would arrive at the airport at 5 and our plane takes off at 7, which doesn't seem so bad but it feels like a lifetime.

I get out of bed and puts on some sweats and one of Daniel hoodies. I put my hair into a bun real quick and I walk out of my room, heading up stairs to Jacks.

I open the door to see him still sleeping. I walk over to him and tug on his arm.

"Come on Jack, we are meeting the boys downstairs in five."

He groaned as he rolled over, facing away from me. The hardest thing to get Jack to do is for him to get out of bed.

"Jackkkk." I said while pulling on him more. "I'm tired too but we have to go."

"Fineee, hand me my glasses." Je said with a raspy, sleepy voice.

I handed his him glasses and got up, "I'll be waiting outside the door." I walked over and closed the door, letting him get dressed.

Two minutes later he walks out the door, wearing sweats and a hoodie also, his curls thrown into a bun also.

"Let's go."

"I still don't get why we couldn't of just taken the jet. We are still technically touring so it's only fair." Jack said as we walked down the hall with our luggage.

"Cause Jo said it was authentic. Which is stupid." I said in a grumpy mood.

"Morning sleeping beauties." Jonah said with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Aw his thinks I'm beautiful." Jack said as he went over to Zach and leaned his head on him, closing his eyes.

"Sure, why not." Jonah said.

Only Corbyn and Jonah are morning people, the rest of us aren't. I walked over to Daniel and learned my head against his chest, and he slung an arm around me.

"Come on guys, the van is here." Corbyn said.

At the airport
After going through security and everything, we had about an hour and a half before our flight. I hand my head on Daniel lap and my feet were on Jack lap. Jack head was leaning against Zach who was also asleep.

"You guys better not be tired in Hawaii." Jonah said as he sat down next to Daniel.

"We will, that's why we are sleeping now." I said while turning, which I accidentally made Jack and Zach wake back up.

"Good because the first thing we are doing is going to the house then to the beach." Corbyn said.

"That's good, now you can wear the thing you call a swimsuit Leigh." Jack said smiling.

"Shut up." I said while slightly kicking him.

"Whats he talking about?" Daniel asked looking at us, and so did the other boys.

"Oh just like a tinyyy piece of fabric that L calls a bathing suit."

"Shut up Jack before I choke you."

He smiled and didn't even hesitate with his reply, "Ooo kinky."

My mouth slowly dropped open but I had to beat Jack with his own game.

"I know right, I know dani enjoys that too." I said smiling.

Daniel face turned red and Jonah glared at him. "I- um... I'm going to the restroom." Daniel said as he chuckled.

"You can't hide from me Seavey." Jonah said getting up, playing around. "We will talk about your swimsuit later." Jonah said pointing to me and then going after Daniel.

"Honesty wasn't expecting that responce." Jack said smiling.

"Yeah me either." Both Corbyn and Zach said too.

"If I can't beat the player, I gotta beat the game."

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