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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I freaked out for a second cause I thought Jack was still in my bed, but I turned and he wasn't there.

I grabbed a hoodie from my floor and slipped it over my head, putting it on.

The door slowly opened and I sat up, and it was Jack with a cup in his hand. He had sweats on, his glasses and a pair of socks. He walked over to me with a smile and handed me the cup, which had coffee in it.

"Thank you." I said softly as I took the cup from him.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at me, I knew he had something to say but just wouldn't come out and do it.

"What's wrong Jack?"

"Can we talk about last night?" He asked as he played with his rings.

I sighed to myself and put the cup on the small table by my bed.

"Jack, I want to put this out there and let you know that what happened last night was not just something regretful. I will cherish that and never regret it, because it was special to me and I hope it was for you too." I said becoming nervous.

"I don't, I could never regret that. But I also don't want you to thing I used you or anything like that."

"Trust me, I don't. But Jack, we both are going to have to try really hard for this to not effect us. We were and are so close, and I can't lose our friendship because it means the world to me. I alreadg lost the love of my life, I can't lose you either." I said as I looked into his eyes.

"You won't, I promise." He said with a smile.

I smiled back, "Good. Now new subject, how many hours do we have until we leave?"

"Well we have to be at the airport at six, leave at five thirty, its ten right now so about seven and a half hours."

"Okay, well then let's get our day started."

The first thing I did was get dressed and wake myself up. I ate breakfast and then went to my bathroom, where I got myself ready. After that I changed into comfortable clothes and made sure I had everything for this trip. We were going to be gone for a month and there is no turning back if you forget something.

After that, Jack and I went over to Jonah's place so that we could finish packing up the instruments and their little traveling studio. After packing it, we went down to the lobby and outside, where some of the crew were waiting for it. They were going to take it and get on the first flight with all of the equipment and everything else needed on stage and during the performances.

Almost about four hours have past and now we went back in Jonah's apartment.

"Avani should be here in ten minutes with all of her things." Jack said as he put his phone back into his pocket.

"I'm so happy you decided to come to Europe with us Christina." I said with a smile.

"Dude me too it's gonna be amazing, I can already tell."

"Okay this is off topic but were you just not gonna mention the hair bro?" Jonah said as he kept staring at Jacks hair.

We forgot that when we came home, we got dressed and went to the party and none of them except Zach and I have seen it.

"Oh yeahhh, see I just wanted to change things up." He said with a laugh following.

"It's fresh bro." Corbyn said as he nodded towards him.

"I agree, you pull it off so well." Daniel said.

"Do the fans know? The only thing I have seen was what Leigh posted on her story yesterday." Jonah said as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

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