Cold - Norway & Iceland

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Iceland - Emil
Norway - Sigurd

It was always a habit of his. Whenever it was cold out Emil would forget to put on his gloves or forget to put on a scarf. Each and every time Sigurd would forfeit his own gloves, hat or scarf in return for Emil being warm.

This day in particular it was snowing really heavily. Emil was riding his bike home from school when he heard other bikes approaching behind him. His heart rate quickened and he sped up. Unfortunately to him they also sped up and were right on his tail.

He wasn't watching where he was going and veered off into some trees. His face became scratched from the branches that he rode passed. He tried steering his bike but it was no use, there was nothing but friction. Emil heard them. They were running after him. He swung his legs over and off of his bike. It wasn't quick enough because he tumbled down the hill and a sharp pain resonated through his arm and up his body. There was no stopping now.

They chased him through the woods. Taunting words and shouts followed him until they quietened. He hurriedly sat down behind a thick tree and hugged his knees close to him. All he could feel was the cold. The snow beneath him was cold. The air was cold and each breath he took there was cold seeping through his body.

He waited until they were gone. That's when he didn't know where he was. Yes he went to the woods with Sigurd and his other makeshift family but that was a whole different woods where they picked the Christmas tree year after year. It wasn't this one. As he waited, he huddled closer to himself. Emil was scared. He was alone, it was eerily quiet and it was getting dark.

The boys that were chasing him were no where to be seen. Carefully he leaned on his good arm. The snow underneath his hand stung painfully and his nose and ears were hurting. The joints in his body ached every step he took. His breaths were short and quick to avoid the burning feeling in his lungs each time he let in the cold air.

"Sigurd..." he mumbled. His vision blurred slightly. He was silently hoping that Sigurd would come find him. Somehow knowing exactly where he is and bring warmth. Emil finally saw the trees parting and the path he tried to take was getting clearer. It was so dark and he had such a long way to walk home.

He sunk to his knees in the deep snow and ever so slightly gave up on moving. It hurt too much as his lungs were burning from the air and all he could feel was his skin harshly stinging. His vision was blurry and all he could hope for was some good Samaritan that was going to pass him by and hopefully get him somewhere warm.

The Icelandic boy heard a car's engine humming and breaks squealing as a car approached. Please be someone nice. There was slamming of doors and all he saw in front of him was panic stricken eyes and messy blond hair. Sigurd? He didn't know. He was too cold to even think. "What are you doing?" asked another voice. The man in front of him started taking off his jacket and hat and gloves. Along with a very bright red scarf. That was all he could seem to see between long slow blinks.

The next thing he knew was that he awoke in a very uncomfy bed. Looking around he found himself in a hospital and in the chair next to the bed was Sigurd who held his head down and keeping a very tight grip of Emil's hand. "Sigurd.." he whispered. He couldn't talk any louder at the moment.

Immediately Sigurd's eyes were boring into his and it was like he had aged considerably. Emil also noticed that on his other arm was in a cast. "We found you at the side of the road, You were all cut up and freezing. I was so scared that I was going to lose you." said Sigurd leaning forward. Sigurd let out a long sigh. A doctor interrupted whatever his brother was going to say next.

"Nice to see you awake Emil." he greeted and looked down at the clipboard in his hands. "We were lucky your brother found you when he did otherwise the consequences would've been a lot worse. And you Sigurd, you should be resting. You were also risking quite a lot." the doctor explained.

"What did he do?" asked Emil feeling worried for his brother. "I wrapped you up in all my winter clothes. You were freezing and I had to do something to keep you warm. The car also got stuck halfway to the hospital so I carried you there myself." stated Sigurd.

After getting all the check ups over and done with, he was cleared to go home. Magnus picked them up. "Sucks about your arm..." said Magnus as they drove home. Emil just huffed in agreement. Looks like he wouldn't be able to play games this Christmas let alone go out and play with his friends. "You'd still be able to open presents though." Magnus stated in a jovial tone.

Emil smirked to himself. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing. His family was just as fun and crazy as his friends and maybe a tad bit more entertaining. The only thing that he hoped was that he wouldn't feel so cold anymore. 

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