Sacrifice - Estonia x Dragon! Denmark (NSFW, Lemon, Smut)

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Estonia - Eduard
Denmark - Mathias

It's been a couple of years since Eduard was given to the Dragons as a sacrifice. Since then he's found an unexpected love with one of the dragon shifters. Mathias was currently telling him a tale of when Lukas and Emil were baby dragons. The dragons aforementioned weren't so pleased with this. They were still trying to warm up to the idea of a relationship between a human and a dragon.

There was a strange smell in the air. Eduard didn't pick it up but the others did. Mathias stopped his story and pulled Eduard further back into the cave. There wasn't much you could do other than to try and hide from the hunters from the village. When Eduard glimpsed out from behind his lover, he saw two males he recognised.

Toris and Raivis. "It's him." hissed Raivis wielding a dagger. Surely they couldn't harm anyone here right? Especially not Eduard. They were friends. Though it was a long time ago when he saw them. "I can't believe you are alive." mumbled Toris as Eduard walked towards the two males.

Eduard knew that Mathias would get angry at the two hunters if anything happened to him. Normally in greeting they would hug those who had been away for a long time but the two refrained. "You must be valuable to the dragons if they kept you alive." sneered Toris.

Eduard ignored how Toris was speaking to him. It must've been how they were taught to back in the village. "No, I was just escaping." lied Eduard making sure his old friends would go away and then he could continue loving Mathias.

"Come here then!" said Toris cheerfully. It was a change of tune for the warrior but Eduard couldn't care less. He was just happy to see his friends again. "I-" started Raivis before stopping as he saw a small Dragon fall into the room.

The both of the warriors grinned and lurched towards the baby Dragon. "No! You can't harm him." snapped Eduard. He surprised himself by shouting at the two he used to call friends. Eduard darted in front of the baby dragon. "Peter, run." remarked Eduard hurriedly.

The dragon ran off into one of the chambers. "Traitor!" declared Raivis turning on him. They lunged towards him both of their knives trained on him. All he could feel was burning pain and then it stopped. A loud roar filled the air as two larger dragons came into view.

Eduard awoke in one of the chambers of the large cave. There was a uncomfortable feeling in his side but he brushed it off as he tried to remember what happened after he saw two dragons charging towards his so called friends. "Ed..." started a voice. Eduard looked around and saw Mathias.

In an instant he was pulled into a suffocating hug. "Mathias... I need to breathe." murmured Eduard. Mathias chuckled and lightened his hold around Eduard. Eduard hugged back grateful that he was still alive. "I thought I was going to lose you for good." whispered Mathias.

"If I'd have lost you then I would've had to follow you." continued Mathias as he pulled back and pressed a kiss to Eduard's lips. "I love you." stated Mathias. "I love you too Mathias." responded Eduard as he rested his forehead against Mathias'.

It's been quite some time since what happened and now Eduard was fully recovered. There was several sounds of wing flapping before there was silence once again. Eduard got his stuff ready and headed towards the entrance of the cave. Mathias wasn't waiting for him like he had said.

"I wanted to protect you." Eduard whispered to himself as he let go of his weapon. Eduard walked over to his bed, surprised that Mathias was sitting there in the nude. "Seeing you all determined is quite hot." remarked the Dragon before pulling the younger male into a kiss. He thrust his hips into the younger's to provoke a reaction.

He was pleased when he heard the moan Eduard released. Pulling the clothes off of the human born was a simple task and he reached his hand down to grasp Eduard's cock with his own. Slowly, he pumped both dicks with occasional thrusting. Mathias felt powerful as he heard the moans come from the younger of the two.

"Are you ready?" asked Mathias letting go. Eduard nodded and braced himself when he felt a couple of fingers probing his ass. "This is going to hurt." responded the Dragonshifter in a whisper. The older male pressed kisses and tried to distract his lover from the foreign feeling of being opened up.

A few minute's later he deemed Eduard ready enough and pressed his cock into the place where his fingers once were. "I'm sorry." murmured Mathias over and over as he pushed in. Once in, he settled and waited for Eduard to get used to the feeling. Kissing away the tears that decorated the younger's cheeks, he smiled softly. "I love you Eduard." remarked Mathias.

Mathias started thrusting slowly as he made sure to keep kissing Eduard. Eduard moaned at the feeling of being so full. "Mathias..." breathed out Ed in a breathless moan. This feeling was so good despite being mixed with pain.

"I love you." murmured Eduard placing his head against Mathias' and kept his eyes trained on Mathias'.

Mathias continued thrusting until his felt himself coming near his end. Hastily, he started jerking off Eduard in time with his slow and deep thrusts. With their names whispered on each other's lips, they came.

Mathias and Eduard laid beside each other and stared at the ceiling of the cave. "Will you love me even when I'm an old man?" asked Eduard tracing shapes in the bare chest of his lover. A chuckle resounded through the cave and seemed to echo. An answer soon followed.

"I will love you always, even when you are long gone. I'll keep on loving you until I can no longer breath. Even in death I'll still whisper you name and feel myself fill with joy as I remember how much I love you."

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