There's Wonder In Your Eyes - Sweden x Finland

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Sweden - Berwald
Finland - Timo 

Timo laid beside Berwald looking up at that stars. "How did you ever fall in love with me?" asked Timo. He often doubted how someone could love him so. His arm was missing, he was slightly chubby and he probably annoyed anyone who he talked to because he talked a lot. Most of the time he switched between Finnish and English.

Berwald sighed and hugged Timo close. He knew about the Finn's self doubts. He knew of how the Finn felt about his body but he always managed to make the slightly smaller male feel better about himself.

"The first time I fell for you..." murmured Berwald trying to think back to many years ago. Looking down at the golden ring on Timo's finger, he smiled softly. He started to recount the tale of how he first fell for Timo.

Berwald couldn't help himself. He looked around the lovely looking cafe and took in all the sights and smells. There was colour all around him. Not a spot of grey in sight. "Hey can I help you?" asked a voice. It startled Berwald but in turn he found himself staring into loving eyes.

That's when he felt his heart skip a beat. The man in front of him intrigued him. Pulling himself together enough to answer the guy, he made himself smile to seem more approachable. "I'll have whatever your handsome self recommends." he said. His cheeks fell ablaze with a blush of embarrassment.

Berwald couldn't believe he just hit on the cashier with an interesting clockwork arm. "I'll be right with you in a minute." remarked the male with a heart warming smile. He took several more orders and served them.

He came by Berwald's table and set down a hot chocolate and some sort of cake. "One cinnamon hot chocolate with marshmallows and a slice of triple chocolate cake." he said. Then he sat down after waving at someone from behind the counter.

"My names Timo... What's yours?" he asked. That was the moment Berwald knew he was in love.

Timo shook his head and smiled at the retelling of how they first met. "Surely after all these years you must've thought me annoying." remarked Timo. Berwald laughed heartily.

"Timo, you're smart but clueless at the same time." he murmured eyes filled with mirth. So he began retelling one he wanted to tell kids one day.

"What am I to do Mathias?" asked Berwald to his idiotic brother. He must've been some sort of genius to get someone like Lukas to marry him. "You take him by the hand, you tell him how you feel and then you pop the question." he responded mixing the cake batter up.

Timo was told to take the day off. So was Berwald but he couldn't stop thinking about how to propose. "Right..." Berwald responded nervously. His hands was shaking and he was sure that his palms were sweaty. Mathias patted him on his shoulder. "You'll do fine. He loves you and you love him." he remarked before pushing him gently out the back door. "Go get him tiger." he said with a wink.

Berwald nodded and ran off. He was stumbling as soon as he got to the place he told Timo to meet him. It was like he was learning how to walk again. He saw Timo standing there in the wooden gazebo. His mouth went dry and his nerves were all over the place.

Stepping forward towards Timo, he couldn't help how hard his heart beat or how much love he felt for the Finnish man. "Timo..." he said and cleared his throat. Even his voice was shaky. Timo quickly turned around and grinned at Berwald.

The Swede cleaned his glasses on his tie and swallowed his nerves. It was now or never. "Marry me." he stated. Then scolded himself. "What I mean is. Timo, we've been together for 4 years now. I knew that I fell in love with you when I first saw you. From your metal arm to your lovable personality. All your flaws, all your quirky comments and jokes. I'm just so in love with you and I can't imagine another day without knowing that I'll be able to have you forever." murmured Berwald.

Berwald had stumbled and stuttered over some of his words but he was sure that he was speaking from his heart. He watched Timo's reaction. "Berwald..." started Timo. Berwald got down on one knee, one hand holding Timo's the other holding a ring. "Timo... Will you let me spend forever with you?" asked Berwald.

Timo couldn't stop himself from saying yes over and over again through happy tears. Berwald put on the ring and pulled Timo into a passionate kiss.

Timo just stared in awe. Wonder was in his eyes. Berwald just grinned. It was a rarity to see Berwald like this if you weren't his family or close friend but Timo got to see this side of his Husband everyday.

Berwald took Timo's hand and placed it on his beating heart.

"For as long as my heart beats. For as long as I still breath. For as long as I fight. For as long as there are stars in the sky and light in your eyes. I will forever be loving you. From the moment you first wake up to the moment your die, I'll spend all my time making it known that I love you and only you.

For I cannot spend a minute of my life without knowing that I'll be spending it right by your side. My heart wouldn't be complete without you holding it. It is only you that I can think about loving for as long as forever may be." said Berwald and lifted up Timo's hand.

He kissed the knuckles and saw how Timo's eyes brimmed with tears. Happy tears. "Berwald... You remembered our vows... How do I even begin to deserve someone like you loving me." remarked Timo. Berwald held him tight once again and pulled him into a kiss. Berwald's thoughts were ones that couldn't be expressed in words but in actions.

'It is I who does not deserve someone like you Timo....'

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