Ink On Our Wrists - Denmark x Iceland

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Denmark - Mathias
Iceland - Emil

Mathias waited a while. Surely he's got this wrong. Everyone told him that when you write or draw on your wrist, your soulmate writes back. So that's exactly what Mathias did.

He scribbled a hi on his wrist and it slowly disappeared from his skin. It's been five minutes and nothing happened. Before giving up hope, a cursive greeting had been splayed across his arm. Mathias got excited. His soulmate had responded and they have such pretty writing.

With excitement, he scribes his name onto his wrist and watched it sink into his skin. Somehow it would appear on his soulmate's wrist. Mathias watched his skin with impatience. Whoever it was seems to be taking their time in answering.


That was the response. One word. So his soulmate was a he. Or did they miss the y at the end? Mathias questioned himself. Though the definite answer was that his soulmate was a male. There was nothing wrong with that anyway.

Hour after hour both the boys had a conversation. And they got to know one another. Mathias learned that Emil had an older brother called Lukas and he had a best friend called Leon.

Emil had learned that Mathias had a younger brother called Berwald and that he'd already betrothed his soulmate. Soon enough it was night time and they both went to bed thinking of each other.

A couple of days went by and Mathias really wanted to know what Emil looked like. Was he tall? Was he fair skinned? It bugged Mathias that he wouldn't see Emil unless he picked a place to meet. Mathias also wondered about the tattoo that he was going to get. Would it sink into his skin and appear on his soulmates? Or would it just stay on his skin only.

Picking up a pen, Mathias wrote a small paragraph.

Good morning Emil or Evening depending where you are. Today I'm getting a tattoo. You may like it. I was wondering if you'd meet up with me. I think we need to start a face to face relationship and not one through the ink on our wrists.

Mathias ignored the ink disappearing and headed off to where he had his appointment. Sitting down in front of the woman behind the desk, he held the form in his hands whilst listening to the warnings.

"Whatever tattoo you get will be on both yours and your soulmates skin so I'd advise you to get something you both will like. You're also the one in charge of keeping both tattoos clean. Since yours will be cleaned so will your soulmates." said the lady. Mathias nodded and filled in the forms. Mathias had spoke to Emil about getting a tattoo and Emil was okay with it as long as it wasn't stupid.

Taking his shirt off, he laid on the soft chair and waited for the sting of the needle. A few moments in and Mathias was already smiling. Emil would love this if he could see it. Though he couldn't.

It was an hour or two later when the artist had finished and Mathias sat up. "All done. Keep washing it. You don't want to get an infected tattoo. That's nasty when it happens." advised the artist. He bid farewell and walked home.

Checking his wrist, Mathias saw the message that was left from Emil.

Good luck.

That was it. There wasn't anything else. No sure let's meet up or I feel the same way. Was it possible for your soulmate to not like you back?

Mathias washed off the words and went to clean the tattoo on his shoulder.

Sitting on his bed, Emil chewed his lip nervously. After looking at the new tattoo on his body, he wondered what Mathias would think of him when he saw what he looked like.

Writing on his arm about the place that he saw around the corner from where he lived with his brother, Emil felt giddy. He would meet with Mathias in a couple of days.

Emil walked downstairs to eat dinner with his older brother and sat down at the table. His brother was talking to his own soulmate, Leon. It was a bit weird having your best friend be your brothers soulmate but Emil looked over it.

"I'm going to meet my soulmate tomorrow." blurted Emil. Lukas looked over to his younger brother and smiled. "About time lillebror." remarked Lukas.

This was all surreal. Emil was waiting outside the cafe and started to doubt that Mathias would actually turn up. The minutes ticked by and Mathias still wasn't there. Just as he turned to walk away, he felt a tug at his arm. Looking down at the mentioned limb, Emil followed the hand gripping it to his owner.

An attractive blond was the one to stop him from walking away. His hair was spiked up slightly and he had stubble. Emil could clearly see the gorgeous blue eyes that looked like the sky. Freckles dotted this mans face just along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

"Are you Emil?" he asked. Gosh that voice. With that accent he sounded so charming. Sort of. "Yeah." Emil murmured. Was this Mathias? This is nothing like Emil pictured. Emil pictured some nerdy looking kid that loves talking about maths.

Without a second thought, Emil was pulled into a hug. Slowly, Emil returned the hug to Mathias and smiled. Taking in the scent of the man before him made him relax. It was just what he was used to smelling. Pine and something akin to bakery.

Mathias saw the stranger standing outside of the cafe. Was this Emil? With the pale skin and snow white hair. The stunning amethyst eyes. When Mathias found out it was, he pulled Emil into a hug. How could someone so perfect be his soulmate.

After a short while of hugging, Mathias pulled away. "I.. Oh wow..." it was a first for Mathias to be so speechless. Honestly this human being in front of him was everything he could ever ask for and more.

Emil smiled shyly and the next thing Mathias knew, he had Emil's hand in his own as Emil led him inside the cafe. Whilst drinking coffee and getting to know each other, Mathias couldn't help but tell Emil the one thing that was on his mind.

"I'm glad I finally found you." 

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