Life Is But A Metaphor - Norway x Reader

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Norway - Lukas

Lukas and I had met one fateful day. The sun was barely setting when I had stepped out of my group meeting and bumped into him. Literally. It was unexpected but it felt like fate had chosen us to cross paths. All I remember first seeing was these two pools of deep sapphire blue almost a violet colour. They seemed to hold all the answers to life yet was still searching for more.

When I got a clearer look at him, his hair was a very light blonde that it almost looked like the snow. His voice was so beautifully deep and enriching that I couldn't help but think t suited him perfectly. 'Sorry.' I had started almost afraid that I had lost the will to speak to such a handsome guy. He truly seemed like some sort of Demigod. 'No, no it's fine.' he had told me. Briefly he gave me a smile. Not one that a excited person would but one that seemed like he knew what I was going through. One that seemed to tell me that I was going to be alright.

After my meeting a couple days later, I found him standing and waiting. I thought he had someone he was probably waiting for like a friend but no, he came striding up to me in such a graceful manner that I'm sure you'd think he was some sort of royal. The air he carried around him was so self assured that even I felt assured. His blue eyes looked into mine and I thought that I was lucky to be in the presence of such a guy. I'm pretty sure that I felt my heart racing by this very attractive stranger.

'Would you like to go to the bakery with me?' he asked. I shyly smiled at the idea. One afternoon making a friend wouldn't hurt. It was only natural that I accepted. We had sat down with two cups of coffee and a slice of what was called The Devil's Cake. 'My name is Lukas and I couldn't help but notice that you seemed like you needed a friend.' he explained softly and surely, the accent of his ever present. Right, I thought. So many had attempted to be my friend only to find out that I would only drag them down in a sense of my beliefs.

So I said 'It's nice to meet you Lukas, my name is Y/N.' It seemed as though my answer lit his eyes up in a way I hadn't seen before. A ghost of a smile haunted his lips as he continued to talk. Lukas, told me many, many things about himself and took time to listen to my inputs on the questions he asked. To quote my favourite book and movie, I fell in love with Lukas the way you fall asleep. Slowly and then all at once. Not once did I think to myself that it wasn't a privilege to know it. Not once had I doubted my decision to accompany him that day.

So many days later, he sat me down with an expression on his face that I didn't like. We had just gotten together a month prior to this. 'I needed to think,' he started looking out into the sky, finishing his sentence about a second later, 'About us, about taking you to a very special place.' I didn't know why he was bringing it up. I waited patiently for whatever he was going to say to me. 'How would you like to go to Norway with me?' he questioned almost hesitant if he should ask it in the first place. 'I would love that.' I responded. I knew that he had come from Norway around 4 years ago, as he said himself, and that it was a special place to him.

We were on a plane the next week and I couldn't be more intrigued as to why he had asked me. Those eyes that I came to love gave away nothing. His voice however was a different story. It was like he was straining himself not to cry. The very words that came from his mouth nearly dying on his lips. Once we arrived in Norway, we had ventured out to this cabin in the woods that his parents had owned. The reason had being said was because his parents were no longer, he only had a brother and two cousins along with a friend.

That night I was sat with him in the snow while staring up at the starlit sky. 'Life is but a metaphor.' he stated out of the blue. There was so many feelings hooked into those five words that I almost felt suffocated by the meaning of the phrase. It repeated in my head until it nearly drove me crazy. 'Why? Why are you saying this?' I asked him feeling as though my thoughts were going to override my will not to cry. I was scared of why all of this sudden things came about. It was like he ignored what I said only to finish what he had started.

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