Bury Me In All My Favourite Colours - Sweden x Finland

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Sweden - Berwald 
Norway - Sigurd
Finland - Timo 

"Berwald...." started Timo. He was unsure how to start this conversation. The Swede looked over at Timo and raised a brow. The Finn looked down at the ground and furrowed his brow.

"Berwald. If I ever die. Bury me in all my favourite colours." murmured Timo and risked a glance at Berwald. Berwald sat there, thoughts filling his head. Leaving the both of them in silence, they both sat there with solemn gazes and heavy hearts.

Why was Timo thinking this way? "I think it's best we see other people." muttered Timo in a heavy tone. Berwald's heart jumped. He couldn't be serious. The Finn couldn't be serious with this.

Ber picked up Timo's hand in his and felt his heart start to ache. Surely this couldn't be true. This couldn't be the way Timo was really feeling.

"I'm sorry Berwald but... I have to go." stated Timo before walking off. Berwald felt the tears fall down his cheeks as the world started to turn to grey. The smile fell from his face and he didn't know what to do.

It's been weeks since the break up and still he longed for Timo. He walked into class and sat down. "We will be going to the hall shortly please do not start anything." remarked the teacher.

Berwald followed everyone else towards the lecture hall. "Good Morning students of Leyton's University. Put your phones away and pay full attention to what I'm about to say." remarked the Dean of the University.

As the lecture went on, the more he was tempted to look around for Timo. "It is due to unfortunate events that two students of this University will no longer be among us. Those two students are Sigurd Thomassen and Timo Väinämöinen." the students were informed of their fellow students.

"A memorial will be held in honour of these students." he said and that was the end of the lecture.

Everything felt like it had shattered. Like the whole world had stopped.

Timo... Timo was gone and he was never coming back.

That night when he went home, he looked around and sighed.

"I'll bury you in all your favourite colours." he murmured to the photo of him and Timo. He deserved that much. 

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