Eternal - Denmark x Norway

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Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas 

Mathias knew something was different about Lukas but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Hey Lukie!" cheered Mathias as soon as his boyfriend picked up the phone. It was late at night since Mathias had just finished paperwork.

"What do you want?" came the cold reply. He normally got that sort of reply now. Usually it was a warm hello or a hug but he hasn't gotten any of those in weeks. It's been unusually quiet on Lukas' end.

"I just want to hangout. Please, it seems like an eternity." whined Mathias. Mathias heard a sigh from the other end and shuffling. "I suppose I'll be at yours as soon as I can then." murmured Lukas before hanging up. Even if Lukas didn't sound too appeased to being in Mathias company that meant they were going to hang out.

It took no longer than half an hour for Lukas to be at Mathias' house thanks to his magic. It was more enhanced now than it had been in ages. He was at Romania's for a bit. The smell that hit Lukas was delicious. It was a mix of pastries and something else. Lukas couldn't quite put his finger on what the smell of freshly baked pastries was mixed with but whatever it was, was heavenly.

Mathias hugged Lukas immediately. Burying his face in Lukas' hair. Lukas took the opportunity to indulge in the scent and nuzzled against Mathias' neck. "I missed you." murmured Lukas. It was true though. Normally he'd be here cuddling with Mathias ever now and then or listening to Mathias as he read classical fairytales.

"I missed you too." responded Mathias leaning back to kiss Lukas. Lukas widened his eyes as the intoxicating scent was now all that he could taste. He was hungry and he wanted it now. He wanted to indulge on the taste and be in bliss but he restrained himself as best as he could.

It was further into the night when they were both sitting comfortably together on the sofa. Both of them were reading separate books. Lukas was trying to concentrate on the words in the book but found it very hard when all he could smell was the scent that Mathias was giving off.

This was part of Vlad's advice though. He should've stayed away. He should've came back when he was more controlled. Lukas sighed and placed his book down. He took away Mathias book and sat on his lap making sure Mathias' attention was all on him.

"Wha-" Mathias was cut off by Lukas kissing him. It was such a hungry kiss. Mathias immediately responded to the Norwegian male. He wasn't going to pass up and opportunity to kiss his boyfriend.

Lukas was figuratively drowning in it. He had to have it. His mind was in overdrive. A part of him didn't want Mathias to be his first victim. The other part just screamed at him to bite into the Dane's flesh and savour what he had been craving for. Slowly, he kissed his way down Mathias' neck. Lukas didn't know if drawing this out was the best thing to do. It prolonged the thought process but it was also paining him not just digging in.

Without thinking, he bit down. The blood seeped into his mouth. It didn't register into his mind the sharp gasp or the pained whimper that Mathias' had let out seconds after his attack. The only thing that did make it into his mind was how good Mathias' blood tasted.

It was certainly addicting and he couldn't bring himself to pull away. He couldn't even take in the weak attempts of Mathias trying to push him off. It was only when Lukas had finally be satiated by the amount of blood that he had consumed did he notice that Mathias wasn't moving.

Lukas grew horrified. What had he done? Did he kill Mathias? In Lukas' mind he himself was a monster. One that didn't deserve someone like Mathias. Carefully Lukas shook Mathias but received no response. He hastily moved to place his ear against the Danish man's chest.

He was relieved when he heard the faint beating of the older male's heart. Lukas managed to get Mathias upstairs with his newfound strength and made him comfy on his bed. Their bed. Lukas looked down in shame. How could he let himself nearly drain Mathias' life.

Hesitantly he took Mathias' hand into his own and kissed the knuckles with a feather light kiss. "I'm so sorry. The first thing I do when I'm in your arms is unleash a beast that needed a fix. I shouldn't of come here." murmured Lukas. A tear made it's way down Lukas' face as he thought over every possibility when Mathias would wake up again.

Surely Mathias would hate him for what he had done. For he has made the Dane a monster just like him. It drove Lukas to near insanity with all the what ifs. Especially if most of them was far fetched and not likely to happen.

Days and nights went and the Dane still hadn't arisen from the eternal slumber that Lukas had cast upon him. Maybe he was dead. Though he couldn't of been dead. Not now, not ever. He was suffering from a fever not too long ago. The fever that Lukas remembered as he was changed. The same one that he had to help Emil through.

When he listened again for any signs of life from the motionless Dane, he received none. No pulse, no heartbeat. Not even a flicker of life. Clearly he had gone too far. He had taken too much. Lukas should've heeded the warnings.

Mathias jerked. He felt like he was on a constant high. It was as though his whole body had kick started into hyper drive. Most of which, he felt different. Just like how he knew Lukas was different. He got his answer last night when Lukas had bit him.

Was it last night? What was today? With a crack of his neck, he rose from his slumber and sat up. The room looked the same. Only there was no Lukas as he had expected. Did Lukas not come round? Was it a dream that his boyfriend had bitten him in order to be drinking his blood.

With a hearty yawn and a scratch at his chest, he moved himself sluggishly to his bathroom. Maybe a nice warm shower would help him wake up. Though when he looked in the mirror, his eyed widened. Two pin pricks on his neck confirmed what he had thought had happened. He ran a hand through his already dishevelled hair.

Time to confront Lukas about this whole thing. Though when he walked back into his room, he was met face to face with Lukas. The latter had eyes wide and took a step back. Mathias was concerned despite being a little wary. "Lukas..." he started. Lukas flung himself at Mathias and hugged him tightly. "I thought you were dead. I thought I killed you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I did to you." Lukas voiced quickly.

Mathias hugged Lukas back. "I don't blame you for what happened. It must've took all you had to restrain yourself." whispered Mathias pressing kisses to Lukas' cheeks. He could taste the salty tears on his lips. Though he smelled something absolutely divine. Was that Lukas?

He lowered his head to rest in the crook of Lukas' neck and took in the scent that was Lukas. "Bite me." said Lukas in a hushed tone. Mathias kissed the other's neck before sinking his fangs into the flesh and tasting the sweet blood that his lover's body so readily gave to him.

Lukas and Mathias sat upon the balcony and looked up at the stars. Both of them shared kisses and talked about what had happened over the past few months. "I guess this is a good thing for us then huh." muttered Mathias turning his gaze to Lukas. "Why?" asked Lukas still looking at the stars.

"Til death do us part." responded Mathias. His statement made almost no sense. "We're practically de-" in the middle of his sentence, Lukas suddenly realised what Mathias had meant by that statement. He pulled Mathias in to a long and passionate kiss. The thought Mathias had shared with him echoed in his mind and only fuelled his love for Mathias even more.

'I'll get to be with you forever now.'

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