You Need A Hug - Norway x Reader

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Norway - Lukas

Y/N wiped her eyes. Sure she was upset but she shouldn't be this upset. It started a few months ago. She started feel down. Nothing felt right. Nothing was enjoyable anymore. It all seemed so dull.

The rain outside pattered on her window. Y/N used to love playing in the rain. Feeling the cool droplets of water hit her skin. That was until she met Kieran. He was against having a sopping wet girlfriend. He wanted a proper lady. All prim and proper.

So Y/N gave him that. She stopped speaking like she normally did and adopted a clearer, more posh sounding speaking voice. Kieran changed her clothes too. There was no leggings or comfy jumpers. No sweatpants and hoodies. Just crisp, clean blouses with pink skirts. Cardigans made of the finest cotton.

She had to walk like royalty, act like royalty and fit in with the preppy girls. Make up was a must. Only the most beautiful hairstyles. No ponytails, no stray hairs and especially not decorated with beanies.

Y/N had to hide the oversized jumper that Lukas had gave her ages ago. It was his favourite. It was also her favourite. She never understood that after so many washes, it still smelled like him. Hugging the soft jumper to her body, she rested her cheek against the wool.

It still smelt of coffee, vanilla and of him. Y/N's cries only worsened as she realised that there was no Lukas in her life anymore. Lukas was her best friend. So was the other Nordic boys. Kieran had told her that she wasn't to speak to ruffians. So she cut off all contact with her old friends and hung around Kieran's group of snobs.

Y/N checked the time only realising that she had a date with Kieran. It took her so long to get ready now. Kieran believed that Y/N should wear make up. At least that would make her beautiful. She was told to get more exercise to lose weight. Y/N looked at herself in the mirror.

She pinched at her stomach and all the parts of her that seemed too fat for Kieran's liking. Was this how she was going to be beautiful? Was this how she was going to get boyfriends when Kieran didn't want her anymore?

Pulling on the pink clothes, Y/N stood there in front of the mirror still. She hated the colour pink now. It sickened her. The varying degrees of pink skirts, white cardigans and baby pink dresses.

Straightening her hair, she adorned the h/c locks with a pink bow. This was how she was going to be beautiful. Full of make up and looking like a doll. She wasn't meant to be smart. Kieran would yell at her for giving him a smart remark. She was meant to be arm candy, a trophy to show off.

A woman to cook, clean and bear his children. Y/N picked up the small handbag and slipped her feet into the heels. This was not what she wanted but who cares what she wanted.

Walking carefully down the stairs, she dabbed the handkerchief in the corner of her eyes to stop the tears from falling. She plastered a fake smile on her face and went to tell her Aunt that she was going to be going out with Kieran.

"You don't need to play pretend with me darling." murmured her Aunt. Y/N looked up at the older woman that she had grown up with. "I can't stay long, Kieran wouldn't like it if I kept him waiting." retorted Y/N. The sadness in her voice gave her away.

"You need to leave him. He isn't making you happy." declared her Aunt. Clearly she knew that Kieran wasn't the one for her darling niece. Neither was the make up or girly clothes. "But Aunty! I love him." retorted Y/N. She was so used to telling that lie to both her Aunt, her fake friends and Kieran.

Before she closed the door, she heard her Aunt call out. "Lukas makes you happy!"

There was nothing. The date was awful. She didn't like all the attention. She didn't like this fancy restaurant filled with many people like Kieran. Snobs. All of them were snobs. Maybe some of them held some sort of humanity towards those of lesser class.

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