A Conversation - Sweden x Estonia

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Soulmate AU - A Conversation

Sweden - Berwald
Estonia - Eduard

Berwald contemplated the words on his wrist with confusion. He knew there was soulmates out there. Ones that had obvious marks on their skin to define it. Ber speculated that after 20 years that he was one of the rare ones who were born without a soulmate.

Now staring at his wrist, he tried to get the silly thoughts of ghosts out of his head. A single question was scrawled on his wrist. Will I ever have a soulmate?

Those words seemed to make his heart race and a smile creep onto his face. 20 years it took for him to find out that he had a soulmate. One who he could share his forever with. Soulmate? he wrote back in his slightly cursive writing.

Berwald watched as the words disappeared in his skin. Are you my soulmate? Was the questioned that appeared next on his pale skin. Berwald's eyes widened at this. He finally knew he had a soulmate.

He wrote back a small affirmative answer to whoever this was. They conversed through their wrists for some time before deciding to set and time and date for meeting up.

The day quickly arrived and the Swedish lad was very nervous about who his soulmate was. He sat in the coffee shop with a caramel latte and a small slice of chocolate cake on a plate in front of him. His ears heard the small chime of the bell on the shop door and he looked up to see a teen heading this way.

He looked down at his wrist and wrote something. Berwald looked down at his. Where are you? was the question as he glanced towards the teen who still looked around the coffee shop.

Berwald wrote where he was and surveyed the teen as he came and sat with him. "Hello..." said the teen with a nervous smile. "Eduard right?" asked Berwald with a small flicker of a smile. Eduard nodded and seemed to calm down a tiny bit once he knew for certain this was Berwald.

Their conversation went on for hours about how they got on in life. Berwald insisted on walking Eduard home and made sure that he could spend as much time with his soulmate as he possibly could. "Thank you for today." Eduard murmured looking up at the Swede.

Berwald smiled. The Estonian really was cute. "You're welcome. I'd do anything for you because you're my soulmate." he responded to Eduard. Eduard's face adorned a blush. He reached up and quickly kissed Berwald before going inside.

Berwald looked at his wrist and chuckled. One sentence laid on his skin like a tattoo. One he'd gladly respond to any day. After giving a response he hoped that that day came sooner rather than later.

Can we do this again? But more often... 

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