Always - Sweden x Finland

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Sweden - Berwald 
Finland - Timo

The battlefield was stained crimson and bodies littered the floor. There was still many soldiers who were still shooting. The bullets ricocheting through the air in a flurry of sparks. There was people shouting out orders. Others screaming in pain.

Berwald closed his eyes but quickly opened them. There was no time for rest. Not in a time like this. He trudged through the snow. Most of it was already soaking through his clothes. He needed to find Timo. He needed to see him before it was too late.

Before he knew it, he was being pushed to the ground. "GRENADE!" someone had shouted out. In the not too far distance, Berwald heard the explosion and it made his ears ring. Timo. He needed to get to Timo.

Pushing the other guy away, he ran through the trees hoping that they'd provide what little cover they had to offer. He caught some people saying about the other side of the war on a field. That it wasn't looking too good.

It wasn't just him fighting in this battle. It was his lover, Timo. It was his brothers. Mads, Sigurd and Ari were fighting somewhere in amongst the other parts of the war. There was still ringing in his ears and the feeling of frostbite was slowly crawling up his fingers.

The dangers didn't run through his mind as he crossed the battlefield carelessly. From some sort of luck, he didn't get shot or injured. There was now just a hill between him and Timo. It wasn't until a throbbing pain erupted in his head that he realised that he had slipped.

His eyes blurred and he tried to get up but his limbs felt so sluggish. the only thing he could manage was hiding himself under a fallen tree.

Berwald's eyes snapped open. Pain flaring all over his body. Surely his lips were blue by now. That's when he noticed the silence. The absence of shouting and bombs and guns. It was almost serene. Pushing himself up and making his legs work, he climbed up the hill silently. He was still on alert. There could be an ambush.

Just as he got up the hill, he heard a single gunshot ring out. "No...." he started softly. Suddenly getting the strength to run. He pulled up his gun and aimed it at the retreating figure. He could save whoever got shot. He could save them. Lining up the cross-hair with the person, he pulled the trigger and watched as their body flopped down.

He knew that Timo was last seen over this field. Now it was riddled with bodies and the stench of metallic blood. Dirt, blood and snow were mixed together some covering up half of the bodies and some in piles. He checked as he rushed through the field. He checked for that familiar mop of blond hair.

That's when he saw him. Timo. Falling to his knees beside the Finnish male, Berwald looked over his body to see if there was any injuries. He saw several. There was blood pooling beneath Timo's clothes. Making his skin sticky as it dried. There were two darker patches where there was more blood being lost.

"Timo..." he gasped out. The bitter wind was hash against the back of his throat. His mouth was dry and his throat felt raw. Tears gathered in the Swede's eyes as he gazed upon his lover. No. This couldn't be. The gunshot that rang out. Was it someone trying to finish Timo off?

Then he noticed that there was blood coating Timo's face most of it coming from his forehead. It stained the Finn's hair dark brown and made it matted. Pulling Timo's body on his lap, he cradled the male's head with his arm. Shaking lightly, he waited for any signs of life. Timo's eyes slowly opened revealing the pained eyes behind lids that seemed to have nearly been frozen together.

"Timo..." murmured Berwald. Relief washed over his body as he gazed into Timo's eyes. Timo smiled weakly moving his hand up to cup Ber's face. Wiping away the tears, Timo shushed Berwald. His body heaved at a cough. Most of what he coughed up was his own blood.

Berwald's relief was soon washed away when he spotted the blood trailing down the side of the Finn's face. "Ber... promise me something." whispered Timo hoarsely. Berwald grasped onto Timo's hand tightly tears already misting up his eyesight. Silent sobs began to wrack his body.

"Promise me something Berwald. Promise me you'll find another." muttered Timo. His eyes were holding Ber's in a sombre gaze. Berwald shook his head. "Timo please... We can get you home. We can get you to the infirmary." Berwald pleaded, his words wavering.

Timo traced Berwald's trembling bottom lip with his thumb which only caused the Swede to cry harder. Both of their breathing was laboured. Timo was already slipping away. His eyes didn't look focused and he wasn't breathing as steadily.

"Promise me... please... Promise me you'll live a happy life." Timo rasped. Berwald nodded finally giving in. He couldn't deny a dying man his last words. "I promise." whimpered Berwald. He briefly removed his hand from Timo's to brush the hair out of the other's eyes.

Timo closed his eyes and opened them again. Sluggish and tired. That's all he felt. "Remember our vows Berwald?" asked Timo sleepily. Berwald nodded. "We agreed to love ea-each other t-to the day that we die and even then we would find each other in another life." hiccuped Berwald. He was trembling. He could sense that this was the end.

"I love you Ber..." whispered Timo leaning up slightly to press one last kiss to Berwald's lips. It was bitter sweet. Berwald knew he lost him within that kiss as his lover's hand went limp. He opened his eyes slowly. Timo wasn't looking at him. It was as though he was looking beyond him.

Gently he closed Timo's eyes and sobbed into his neck until his lungs ached and his throat was raw.

It was that day that he lost the love of his life.....

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