Letting Him Go... - Soldier! Norway x Reader

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- Past: Soldier! Norway x Reader
- Present: Iceland x Reader

Norway - Lukas
Iceland - Emil

P.S: There is an implied smut scene but literally only just a brief glimpse into what Emil and the reader are doing. I tried to keep it gender neutral.

You didn't know what to do, he promised. He promised you this wouldn't happen. "Please..." you sobbed hoping he'd pick up his phone. You knew that it wouldn't get through, he had it turned off and you wouldn't know when it'd be back on. You would've had better luck trying his brother's phone but it wasn't the same. You wanted to hear his voice.

A knock on the door startled you. You had long since ignored the world around you. It was too much to face the outside just yet. Carefully you lifted yourself off of the floor and to the door. Opening it, you saw him for a moment before you recognised that it wasn't. "Emil.... Such a nice surprise." you remarked wiping away the tears and letting him in.

He looked around at the darkened room. You had kept out the light and hid away in the darkness with your darkened feelings. Emil entered your house and sat on a chair in the living room. You locked up and smiled at your best friend after you opened the curtains; letting in that dreaded sunlight. "Hey, come here." he stated and opened his arms. You sat on the Icelander's lap and leaned into his chest. "He promised Emil." you said only to start crying again. You felt Emil wrap his arms around you.

"I know... I know he promised." said Emil trying to be strong. He knew your pain all too well. It seemed that you were going backwards through the stages. In the week after the visit, you were angry and wouldn't let anyone near you.

Then you weren't believing the news that you had heard. After bargaining that he was just missing in action or that he was a prisoner of war; you had finally hit the depression of it all.

Constant dreams of him being there when you wake up fuelled the sadness inside you. "Emil." you said looking up into amethyst eyes. "Yes?" he breathed softly. Maybe if Emil was here with you then you could learn to accept Lukas' cruel fate. You would be able to accept his death.

"Kiss me." you wrapped you arms around Emil's neck and pulled him towards you after you had murmured those two words. His lips touched yours softly. You knew that it wasn't just Lukas that you had harboured feelings for, in fact Emil had always held a spot in your heart. A part of you knew that someone who mistook the situation would say you were leading Emil on to replace his brother.

Though that wasn't the case with you. You wanted to love again and Emil was perfect to make you love again. He made you love again after all this time.

Each sensual touch seemed to fix the broken pieces. Each kiss reassured you that you wouldn't lose Emil. You could feel all of him and he could feel all of you. His sweet movements never ceasing as you both confessed your love for each other. Both of you were laid to dream for the night. "Stay with me?" you asked. Emil held you close and you could hear his heart.

"Always." murmured Emil. For the first time in three years you felt whole again. The next morning you awoke and walked out onto the balcony. You twiddled with the ring on your finger. It was a gift from Lukas four years back. A beautiful ring of silver and adorned with sapphires. A symbol of Lukas' love. The very thing to mark the start of your engagement with the Norwegian.

It was back in the March of 2016. You were visiting an old friend in London when you were taken on a surprise date. You could remember how nervous Lukas was. He kept making sure he looked okay before getting down on one knee and asking the magic question.

That night was filled with fiery kisses and happiness. Though the very next year just as you were starting to plan things was when he was shipped out on the first plane to war. It wasn't fair.

You smiled as you held the ring between your thumb and finger. There was many precious memories that you shared with Lukas. A warm hand covered your own and slipped the ring back onto your ring finger. You leaned back against the Icelander's bare chest and sighed. "He'd want you to keep it." murmured Emil pressing a kiss to the soft skin of your shoulder as his hands pulled back to rest on your biceps.

Several thoughts crossed your mind. One was to throw the ring into the fjords but Emil's idea was better. If you kept it then you would be keeping a piece of Lukas with you.

You looked up at Emil and smiled. "Elska, I'll get started on breakfast." said Emil and he pressed a loving kiss to your lips. When he left, you looked far out into the horizon.

Emil's kisses weren't the same as Lukas'. His touches, his thoughts, his entire being was so different to his brother but nothing would ever compare to Lukas not even his own brother.

"I love you Lukas." you whispered into the morning air. For a moment you thought you could see Lukas right there in front of you. You could've sworn that you heard the wind whisper back to you as Lukas was the one whispering the very words in your ear.

You smiled softly as you went indoors. The fifth and final stage of grief has finally come. You've accepted what can't be changed.

Maybe... just maybe... It was time to let Lukas go...

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