You Told Me To Think About It - Norway x Female!Sweden

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Prompt - "You told me to think about it well I did, now I don't want to feel a thing anymore"

Norway - Kristjan
Female! Sweden - Maja

Maja and Kristjan had a fling going on. Maja had been working things out with her university and family that she'd been putting off the days she'd go round and the dates they'd go on. Kristjan was busy with running his company that he knew he was going to become CEO of... Once his father left of course.

He practically worked himself to death. They were sitting together over a cup of coffee one day. That's when he broke the news. "I'm moving to America to further enhance the companies allies and investors." he stated sipping at the near black caffeinated drink.

It was always serious with him. No matter what it was he always had to be serious about it and hardly relaxed. The only time he did relax was when she lied with him in bed at night in a frenzy of heated passion. She loved him. She loved him so dearly that she'd do nearly everything for him but her life was here in Sweden.

That night they spent the night together for one last time. The only thing left of Kristjan's in the morning was his shirt and breakfast ready made for her. A note telling her he'd call when he landed.

Days and days went on with empty promises of calls, late night texts and cold empty beds. Maja felt her heart sink as she realised maybe this wasn't good for her. Maybe she shouldn't be with Kristjan if it hurt her so much. Over her Christmas break before her last year of Uni was up, he visited her. With a bag full of presents and practically spoiled her with goods that she'd never normally spend money on.

Beautiful dresses, a variety of heels and accessories. Her favourite was a heart pendant that was a see-through crystal on a white ribbon. A gift from him when they promised of a day they'd get engaged.

Today though, was no different, he came into the room in just a pair of sweats and messy hair pushed back with gel in an unkempt fashion. Smirking, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and presented her with a envelope. "I'm leaving tomorrow, I thought you might want this. Think about it." he murmured. And set about getting himself a coffee before setting about doing his online business profile.

She opened up the envelope and stared at the flight pass. A one way plane ticket to America. Her heartbeat raced as she thought about it. A new place, a new life, a new journey. Though if she went she'd miss the home comforts, she'd miss that funny Finnish boy in her classes. Putting the ticket on the side table she curled herself up and comforted herself.

Poor Maja knew that if she went, she'd still be the same, alone, heart slowly breaking in a cold bed waiting for a love who prided himself in his work rather than loving those he claimed to love.

It was later that night. She got up and stared out the window at the lights in the city. Her Uni wasn't far from where Kristjan used to live. She folded his clothes, the silken shirts and smart dress pants felt foreign on her fingers as she put them away in the case awaiting. It stung, packing the bag of the one she loved and knew she'd never see him again.

Staring at the suitcase on top of the wardrobe, she got it down and in a hurry, she stuffed her clothes in it. This felt right. This felt like a step in the right direction.

In the morning she waited for Kristjan to walk down those stairs. As soon as he did, he didn't even look remotely bothered or worried. With her head held high, she walked towards where he stood. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked her.

Maja pressed the envelope to his chest. He gripped her hand. "You told me to think about it... well I did.." she started, her voice was strong and unwavering as she made the final step to setting her heart free once again. "This will be the end of us. I thought you loved me." retorted Kristjan in an attempt to save the shambles of their relationship.

She slipped her hand from his and felt him follow her to the door where her suitcase lay waiting. Opening the door she let herself out into the hallway. "I did love you Kristjan. When you were humble towards everything and loved smaller passions. You became pig headed as soon as you accepted the offer for the position in your father's company. You became the shell of a man I used to know." she uttered as she straightened out the blazer's collar.

"You still love me though don't you?" he asked. Maja looked up at him. Teal eyes shimmering with tears as she held them back with a tired smile. "You can't expect me to stop loving you right away despite all the heartbreak you caused me. The night you left me to sleep alone, the years you just used me for a good time call... Now..." she trailed off looking anywhere but him as she grinned to stop the tears from falling.

The grin fell into a small smile yet again as she awaited his response. "Now what?" he asked yearning for her to be in his arms. Typical. You only want something when you've either lost it or are losing it.

She pulled him into one last kiss before pulling away and cupping his face. Finally some sort of emotion showed in those troubled blue eyes of Kristjan. Just not the ones she hoped for.

"Now I don't want to feel a thing anymore." she uttered before dropping the contact between the two. Silently, she walked away from that apartment with a guy that she barely knew and into a long road of recovery and finding a guy who'd love her the way she should be loved. Even if that meant forgetting about the existence of Kristjan and any memories they ever had together.

She was strong, she was loved and she sure as hell wasn't going to break over a power hungry man. Maja knew to heal a broken heart was to love yourself twice as hard as any man loved her. 

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