Whisper Me Love - Denmark x Norway

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Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Kristjan

Mathias, 6 years old at the time, was running down to the small pier. He loved his summer home. Often travelling to it with his parents for as long as he could remember. More often then not, he'd be with his brothers and sisters. All of them would be messing about in the fjords. Today though he was told to go on ahead. His parent trusted him to be safe.

Jumping into the cool water, he looked around under the water. His imagination taking him on a wild ride. He was surrounded by underwater treasure. He was the most feared pirate of all the northern seas.

Captain Christiansen was not one to be taken lightly. He had no mercy. He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the surroundings. When he opened his eyes again, he had sputtered up water and the back of his throat felt so sore,

He was out of the water and on the pier again. Turning his head towards the water, he saw a boy resting at the end of the pier. Just silently watching him. Those azure eyes seemed to stare into his soul. Getting up, he walked over to the small boy. "I'm Mathias." the Danish boy introduced himself.

The other cocked his head to the side and suddenly smiled brightly. "I'm Kristjan." The other boy introduced himself as well. Before Mathias could as the other boy if he'd like to play at his house, he was called in.

"Will I see you again? My Mor wants me in for dinner." explained Mathias. Kristjan thought about it. "I suppose." responded Kristjan. With that Mathias ran off to go get dinner.

Every summer Mathias sat on the edge of the pier looking at the slightly younger boy. Each summer Kristjan learned more and more about Mathias. The people he disliked at this thing called school. The names of his brothers and sisters who he loved dearly. With each passing second he felt as though he wanted to see the same things Mathias did.

When Mathias asked about Kristjan and his mysterious passed, he received nothing other than the name of his little brother and shrugs. "Can I tell you something?" asked Mathias suddenly looking down at his hands. Kristjan looked up at Mathias. The 10 year old boy looked so nervous all of a sudden. "Okay." murmured Kristjan.

"I like you." whispered Mathias before pressing a kiss to Kristjan's cheek.

Kristjan waited by the pier everyday after the that. He waited and waited for the 10 year old boy to come back and tell him about his days. His brother told him it was love that he was feeling for Mathias. Kris just scoffed. How could it be love. What was this love?

After a while he stopped coming to that pier and just watched it from far away. Silently wishing for Mathias to come back. Sitting on the edge of the wooden thing, he was watching the sun go down. Little did he know that this was . "Kristjan?" called out an accented voice. Quickly the Norwegian dived into the water. He watched from under the water as a figure approached. One much taller than Mathias.

How did this one know his name? Peeking up from the water, he stared down the new guy. Broad shoulders, deep voice, wild hair. Though those eyes, he seemed to know those eyes. Kind and sparkly. He could see that this man in front of him seemed to fit the same personality as Mathias.

The male dived in. "There you are, Kristjan." remarked the male. Kristjan kept his space between him and the man. "It's me Mathias. Remember?" remarked the male again. Kristjan kept looking into those blue eyes and something clicked in place. This man was Mathias. This was the boy he used to talk to.

"Don't get close to me." stated Kristjan as he noticed that the other was ready to embraced him. He was sure that the other expected two legs to tangle with his as he hugged the Norwegian. Still he didn't let that happen. He was afraid. He was afraid of what he do if he knew the truth.

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