1 am - Russia x Portugal

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Prompt - The things you said at 1 am

Russia - Ivan
Portugal - João

João was a touch of warmth in Ivan's life. A bubbly character with endless tales that were passed down his family. Ivan was cold both inside and outside of his body. All he could think about as he lay staring at the ceiling were the things that João said at 1 in the morning. They perturbed him. All of the sunshine that João carried about him was a ruse designed to hide how he really felt.

He felt the body next to him shift. A tanned arm wrapped itself around Ivan's waist. The Portuguese man looked up at him chartreuse eyes filled with sleep. The Russian sighed. "Can you not sleep?" asked the Russian's lover with a smooth voice. Ivan felt his body go rigid at the word sleep. Memories swept over his mind of previous nights around this time. The confessions, the cracks in the mask. "No, I just can't stop thinking..." uttered Ivan.

Ivan decided it was best to be truthful after all João was being truthful with him about how he felt. At least during the early hours of the morning, he was. "Thinking about what?" asked João now slightly concerned. What could Ivan possibly be thinking about at 3 in the morning.

A deep sigh from Ivan indicated that it was a big problem for him, something he'd been thinking about on multiple occasions and a bit too much at that. João pressed a kiss to Ivan's cheek to reassure him that he was here for whatever the Russian needed. Even if that meant putting Ivan's health and happiness before his own. "Did you mean the things you said?" asked Ivan looking over at João, his eyes full of sadness.

João couldn't stand the look and asked "What things?"

Though his body locked up and every little shattered piece of the puzzle came together. It all made sense now. "...the things you said at 1 am."  

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