Is It Wrong To Love You - Fem! Sweden x Fem! Finland

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Female Sweden - Maja
Female Finland - Leena

Maja... Maja was beautiful. Long flowing hair like thin golden threads in a waterfall. Her eyes were as bright as sapphires and filled with waves of emotions. Her mind was like the sea, turbulent yet calm at times.

A love that Leena possessed for her shone brighter than the stars themselves. All of it was poetic. Words weaving in and out of the air and caressing ears with a melody for the gods.

Skin so smooth it was like touching petals and pale like freshly fallen snow. Slender like a willow yet strong like the roots of a tree. Still she could only think in poems and songs. It all reflected how Leena loved the Swedish girl.

The girl that looked straight out of a fairytale. A girl as fair as the angels. There she goes again scribbling in that book of hers on how much she loved Maja Oxenstierna. It wasn't planned. Falling as hard as she did. It was just one glance then a look and then she was hooked.

The feelings intoxicated her, pulled her in until she was drowning. All of it was sweet affections that she laid upon the Swedish girl with tender care. You see... the Swede reciprocated the Finnish girl's love with one just as strong.

Maja was in love with the way those chocolate brown eyes swirled with joy most of the time. The way Leena talked and walked were all things she loved. The whole package of Leena was a blessing in disguise for Maja for she was made fun of.

Maja was ridiculed by girls her age for her height and her sea green eyes. Mocked and teased until silence overcame the beauty and make up masked her natural features.

She sat there on the stool feeling like something was missing. All her make up was in place and her contact lenses were in. Her hair curled in pretty ringlets and a dressed that accentuated her body. Leena was a bit taller than average.

There she was, looping her arms around Maja's shoulders and kissing her cheek after nuzzling her neck. Even now Maja's heart fluttered and flitted about like a hummingbird. It was only when Leena was near. Poor girl couldn't even confess her feelings to her best friend who's hugs were only meant for friends.

"Maja.... why do you wear make up?" asked Leena suddenly. It broke the Swede out of her thoughts. Then she was pulled just as deep when a wave of nostalgia fogged her mind. Unknown to her tears made their way down her cheeks and caressed the supple skin in burning sadness.

Leena wiped away the tears and pulled out a couple make up wipes. Carefully she cleaned away the mask she wore everyday and put the dirty wipes in the bin. She laid kisses on her skin and looked at the Swede with doe eyes.

"Please don't cry..." Leena begged beginning to tear up herself. Maja was brought back to the present and smiled softly. She was pulled into a big hug and comforted until those tears dried.

"I love you the way you are and you don't need to change a single thing about you. I love the way your eyelashes sweep over the tops of your cheeks when you close your eyes. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you're excited about something. I love the way you refuse to harm nature and believe that violence doesn't solve anything. I love the way you think deeply about things and plan before you do them." started the Finnish girl.

Maja's cheeks started heating up and her heart started fluttering once again. "I love the way you sing so softly and dance so gracefully. I love you Maja and I don't see that changing anytime soon.." confessed Leena.

Maja was pulled into a loved filled kiss. So tender and warm that it made her feel cosy and safe to be how she always wanted to be. "I lo-" Maja tried to say. It was hard for her to say it. Falling in love so many times and not having the words said back. Now it was the other way around.

"Shhh... You don't have to say it back. I know how you feel." cooed Leena. It wasn't the same. It wasn't the same as someone knowing how you feel but you not confirming it. "I love you too Leena." she cried out in joy and they both fell into a hug giggling and crying.

That was the tale of two best friends falling in love. One a gentle giant and the other a feisty short girl. 

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