Daddy Kink - Iceland x Female! Reader *NSFW* *Smut* *Lemon*

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Edited: 12/04/23

Iceland - Emil
Female Reader - Y/N

Emil huffed. "Ya sure are a prude ain't ya Em-Em?" asked Mathias in a joking manner, his words were half slurred. This got Emil annoyed. Definitely annoyed. He sipped from the glass, no longer sure what alcohol he was consuming. Be it Brennivín, Akvavit or Vodka. He didn't care. No one calls him prude. Especially not this man whore. Okay maybe he wasn't a man whore. His anger was smouldering, daring to be poked at some more. Of course the Dane didn't know that. He was oblivious in this current state to notice the teen's obvious anger.

"What d'ya mean by that?" asked Emil bitterly, grasping the glass tighter. The Danish male looked like he was thinking for a moment before a smirk appeared. Albeit a more of a toothy smirk but a smirk none the less. "Just sayin'." muttered Mathias, gulping down the rest of his beer and giving a side glance to Emil. This is what the Dane did. He'd continuously poke fun at the Icelander. Whether it be his relationship with his adoring girlfriend or to tease him just because he was practically his little brother. It irked the Icelander from time to time.

Emil also chugged the rest of his drink, the liquid burning the inside of his throat as it went down, and put his glass down harder than necessary. "Tell me." he hiccuped. That was what? His second drink? Third? Fourth? He wasn't entirely sure he was even sober at the moment either. Mathias grinned toothily and leaned forward like it was some big secret. "Can't get it up can ya? Can't get her in the mood," mused Mathias in a taunting manner. Emil was confused. " 'Course I can get it up. I can it up jus' fine." he muttered. Then he reached for a bottle to pour some more of the drink into his glass.

"Then ya hidin' it away from Y/n. Not showin' her how manly you are," obviously thinking out loud about his thoughts on the Icelander's sex life. Emil turned to the Dane with a scoff. "For all you know, I could be fucking her 3 times a week and ya'd be jealous cause bror won't touch ya." mused Emil with a small laugh. The Danish man's face was smug finally getting what he wanted by bringing up Emil's sex life. This was going to be an interesting conversation in the morning. If they still remembered it.

Mathias shook his head. "If ya really would show her how manly ya are then you'd better be making her be submissive. Yer ain't manly. Yer very vanilla and quiet. Too soft," muttered Mathias. "How'd ya know what I'm like?" asked Emil confused. Mathias' smirk got wider if that was even possible. "She complains to Lukas all the time about how yer always too slow or gentle. That she wanted a real man in bed," Mathias further stirred up the boiling rage within Emil. "She said that?" asked Emil pondering over it. Mathias made an affirmative noise. "She said ya weren't good enough for her. Needs a real strong man. Might go after that Spaniard or one of those sly Italians. They'd know how to make her really moan. Y'know what I'm sayin'," Mathias stirred some more and he finally saw Emil snap.

"That's it! 'M gonna show 'er how much of a man I am." declared Emil walking off in the wrong direction. As soon as he was out of the room, Mathias sobered up. He weren't that drunk in the first place. He'd remind Emil in the morning about tonight.

Emil woke up with a headache and pressed flat against the wooden floor. "Fuck," he stated bitterly and sleepily. He remembered going over to Mathias' house for a drink and had some conversation. Lifting himself off the floor, he flexed his body and sighed as he heard the bones and joints click and crack. It was so satisfying after a rough night on the floor. "Babe?" he called out expecting to be in the shared house with his wonderful girlfriend Y/n. It clicked into place once he woke himself up some more. This was definitely not his house.

Finding Mathias in the kitchen, he saw that there was already a plate and mug set out for him. Scoffing the food down and drinking the lukewarm coffee, he felt satiated. The headache kind of starting to wear off. "Our conversation was wonderful last night," mused Mathias with a grin. Emil tilted his head for further explanation. "Talking about how Y/n wants it rougher and complained about you not giving her enough. That she might hook up with Antonio," muttered Mathias turning away from the 19 year old. Emil's blood boiled. Mathias was throwing out these accusations about his girl when Mathias barely knew what happened in his relationship with Y/n.

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