Sorry Isn't Good Enough - America x England

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America - Alfred
England - Arthur

Today was the day. Alfred held himself high as he walked down the halls to his next class. Today, he was on a mission. Ignoring all second thoughts, he searched out the one person others wouldn't. That person was Arthur Kirkland. He was notorious among the students for the way he acted. Most of the time people just referred to him as the English Punk.

To everyone else he was an arsehole who no one dared cross. To Alfred, he was prince charming only a little bit misunderstood. As soon as he got to his class, he froze in his spot. The person who he would be sitting next to was absolutely gorgeous. From his blonde hair to his piercings to his ripped jeans. "Pictures last longer." mused Arthur.

Alfred felt himself blush and his pulse speed up. This was what Arthur did to him. He made Alfred feel nervous and made his confidence shrink. Hastily Alfred took his seat and stared forwards at the board. As the lesson went on, he couldn't help but wonder what Arthur was like when he wasn't at school. Was he sweeter? Was he less sarcastic?

Just the thought of a kind side of the Brit made him smile. Taking a glance at the Brit, he saw that the other male was on his phone probably talking to someone.

The lesson went by quicker than Alfred could ever realise. He saw Arthur walking in front of him. "Arthur wait!" called out the American walking faster to catch up with the punk. The Brit stopped and rolled his eyes as the American was closing in on him. "What do you want?" remarked the Brit whilst checking if he chipped his nail polish. "I want to get to know you." responded Alfred.

Arthur scoffed and started walking again. "Better luck next time dweeb." retorted Arthur. Alfred shrugged before catching up with the Punk.

"I want to go on a date with you." said the American. The Brit just stared. "I don't do dates." he murmured. "Then friends. I want to be friends with you." responded Alfred. After weeks of trying this was as far as he was going to get.

"I'd rather take the date. At least then I can decide whether or not to stick around after it." mumbled the Brit reasoning with himself and the American. The Brit struggled to look away from the blue eyed American. "1 date and you won't bother me ever again." snarled the older male. Alfred sighed but nodded. If this is what it takes to get one step closer to the British lad then so be it. "Deal."

A few months later, Alfred and Arthur laid side by side in his room. "So I start running and the guy is..." Alfred trailed off noticing how the Brit seemed extra quiet. "Is something wrong Arthur?" asked Alfred softly. The Brit's scowl deepened if anything.

"Is something wrong Arthur." mimicked Arthur. "What gave you that idea." he quickly said. Alfred was taken aback with the tone of voice he was hearing from his boyfriend.

"Something's bothering you and I want to know what it is." said Alfred defensively. He's had enough of the silence. He's had enough of Arthur just quitting their dates when they have them. What happened to the guy he fell in love with? "Maybe I don't want you to know. Ever get that through your thick skull?" Arthur seethed and started to text someone on his phone.

Alfred snatched Arthur's phone and then looked through all the messages. They were to a person called Luke. "Who's Luke?" asked Alfred. Arthur stopped trying to get his phone back and realised how hurt Alfred seemed. "What are these? I love you. Please come round. What are you texting him Artie?" Alfred read out some of the texts.

"Alfie please listen. Luke is only a nickname for him. He's like a brother to me. I swear." said the Punk trying to convince the American to respond to him. "He's allowed to call you Artie and I'm not? You're fucking cheating on me. I'm going to send him a text. See how he likes it when he messes with someone who has a boyfriend." responded Alfred before he calmed down completely. His mama did say that you need a level head before you do anything irrational.

With a lingering silence, he locked Arthur's phone and held it out for the Englishman to take. "You're suddenly calm about this Alfie." stated Arthur. Ignoring him, Alfred walked out of the door and through his house to get outside. Arthur was close on his heels. "Alfie please wait!" called out Arthur.

Alfred just ran. He didn't know where to or how long he will be. He just knew that he needed to clear his head. Maybe vent to someone. There he was in front of the house belonging to one of his best friends Mathias. Well. Not his exactly but Mathias and his brothers just lived here.

Hesitantly he knocked on the door. "Oh. It's you." remarked the apathetic voice of the other punk in school. Lukas. Suddenly it dawned on him. It was only a nickname he said. Without another second to spare, Lukas had now been punched and Alfred was upset. It all got to him and he started the run back home. He didn't care what just happened. All he know is he was the guy on the side and that Arthur never really cared about him despite sticking around longer than the first date.

When he got in, he was a mess. Though his anger boiled over again when he saw Arthur sitting in his living room and waiting patiently. Arthur jumped up and went to console Alfred about his own disgraceful actions. To tell the American he was sorry.

"Am I not good enough for you? Too much of an air head that loves sports. I'm sorry that I don't have the mysterious past or the edgy clothing. Would you love to see me like Lukas? Like Mathias' brother? I was going to tell you that I loved you. I fell in love with you and I thought you were a keeper." cried Alfie pushing off the Brit as the older male tried to get close.

Arthur was completely stunned. It sent a bile to his throat knowing his own actions caused all of this. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." remarked Arthur. "Sorry doesn't fix this!" screamed Alfred with tears running down his face.

"Look. What we had was nice but I found love with Lukas. I didn't mean to hurt you in the process." remarked Arthur. His guilt flowed through his body but he left with those words. Not before hearing a heart shattering reply.

"You're just as bad as your brothers." 

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