Flowers - Monaco x Belgium

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Monaco - Lucille 
Belgium - Emma

Lucille, beautiful like the soft glow of the moon. Emma, fair like a field of daisies. Both graceful and kind. Lucille had met Emma some time ago at a fair. She could not believe her eyes at the enchanting movements the Belgian made with flowers braided into her hair.

Lucy was asked to dance with Emma. Looking around their house, she saw the endless photos of them together, their families, their friends. Pictures filled with pinks, oranges, purples and other miscellaneous colours of delicate petals forming spring time bloom.

One picture caught her eye. The picture of the two of them together in the field. Both the girls had their dungaree pockets full of flowers and wide smiles on their faces. That was the first time Lucille picked up a flower and compared it to the beauty of Emma. Though Emma could never compare to a flower. Her green eyes sparkled with endless happiness, her lips in a natural pout and her cheeks as rosy as rosé wine. It was the first time Lucille realise why her heart beat so fast around Emma.

Another picture further along the wall brought different memories. One from a photo shoot they both did. Emma looked so ethereal with her figure draped in a black dress. The very dress they attended to put Lucy's brother's favourite flowers on his grave. It was also the day Emma had tucked a rose behind Lucille's ear and held her tight until the tears ran dry and her sobs died down to silence. Emma was there for her when it seemed no one else was and reassure her that in the end everything is going to be alright.

Lucille got up from her perch on the chair and went to see Emma in the kitchen who was busying herself with making pastries and stroopwafels. She passed by a vase full of a dozen white roses and another to the other side of the window sill filled with a bouquet of orchids. She wrapped her arms around Emma and rested her cheek against the Belgian's shoulder. With a soft smile she recounted the day they exchanged flowers with each other. Their one year anniversary together. She recalled the way Emma's eyes lit up as both girls received the flowers with a heartfelt I love you.

Later that evening when the stars sat high in the sky and a gentle breeze flowed through the town, Lucille felt Emma sit behind her. She took in the blissful silence of a peaceful relationship. She felt Emma weave her hair together at a slow pace. Smiling slightly, she just thought about the cute concentration face Emma had whenever she was doing something.

When Emma was done with her work, she moved away from Lucy and admired the beauty she radiated. For all Emma knew, Lucy could've been a fae or clearly the spirit of the moon because her beauty was far beyond even fairytale prettiness. She took a picture and saved it at her mobile wallpaper. Another memory of the two of them that she'd cherish forever.

"I love you Lucille." purred Emma as she pulled the brown haired girl into a tender embrace. "I love you too Emma." responded Lucille looking into jade green eyes. They locked their lips in a gentle kiss and never wanted the night to end. Their love was forever fairytale perfect... 

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