Out Of Chances - Netherlands x Denmark

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Denmark - Magnus
Netherlands - Tim

Magnus walked over to his boyfriend's house. It's been a while since he last visited. A smile played on his lips as he got his spare key out. He thought about all the kisses he could steal and the hugs he could just fall asleep in. "Babe!" he called out as he entered the home.

Some of his stuff was already here. Looking for Tim, he frowned as he saw all the empty drink bottles. Magnus himself knew that he got drunk but that was being cut down now that he didn't feel lonely.

He finally found Tim in his bed room smoking. He recognised the smell from his college days. Weed. "Fuck." he whispered harshly. This drew the attention of Tim. Magnus pulled out all the clothes that he left here and stuffed them into his suitcase.

"Magnus?" asked Tim approaching the Dane. "No." responded Magnus. Neither of them were fully aware of why he said no. This was ridiculous. "Magnus babe." he said trying to calm the Dane down from the angry mess he was becoming.

"Don't babe me." he snarled picked his suitcase up and leaving the room. Tim was on his heels. He wondered where his love was going.

"Where are you going?" he asked. Magnus turned sharply his eyes wide and a sneer on his face. "Anywhere but here." he responded bitterly and messed around trying to get the key off the keychain.

"Why?" asked Tim still not getting why Magnus was so angry in the first place. Magnus shoved the key against Tim's chest before taking his hand away. The Dutchman just let the key drop to the pavement.

"You're always drunk or high when I'm here..." the Dane started. Tim took a step forwards as Magnus started to tear up. This was hard enough as it is. "Maybe I won't come back." he muttered at last getting what he was going to say off of his chest.

"You can't do this to me. Babe please. Give me one more chance. I can change." he sobbed reaching for Magnus. Magnus just sighed and looked away from the drugged up male.

"You're not going to change. You promised me last time that you'd cut down and eventually stopped. That was a year ago. I'm so stupid for thinking you'd change." snapped Magnus and turned around to start walking.

"Fine. Walk away from me. I don't need you. I don't need your love." he remarked. Magnus didn't listen and continued walking to go find a taxi to take him to the airport.

Tim fell to his knees, mind clearing slowly but surely, staring at the key. He picked it up into shaking hands and felt the tears flow down his face. One after the other until his eyes were bloodshot.

He needed Magnus like he needed air to breathe. He needed help and losing Magnus was the last thing he ever wanted.

"Please come back..." he sobbed but all it did was fall on empty air and deaf ears. 

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