Anniversary - Greece x Japan

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Japan - Kiku
Greece - Heracules

Heracles put the box down and opened it a tiny bit to make sure everything was perfect. The two cats rubbed around his ankles and purred, clearly happy at his arrival. He smiled softly and thought how much Kiku would love this.

He made his way into the kitchen and started preparing food. After all Kiku said he was going to make dessert yesterday. Heracles really hoped that his Japanese lover would like the things he had planned for today.

It seemed like time had flown by when he was cooking. Heracles heard the front door shut just as he put the plates down on the table. Walking towards the hallway, he greeted his husband with a warming smile. Kiku smiled back tiredly. These shifts at his company were really getting crazy now.

Heracles hung Kiku's coat up and tidied away the shoes. He kissed Kiku softly and felt excited about his plan. Slowly, he led the Japanese man towards the dining room. Although Kiku was tired, he couldn't help but feel the same excitement as Heracles. It was endearing.

"Open the box." murmured Heracles. Kiku let go of the Greek's hand and made his way towards the box that sat on the end of the table. Gently, he opened up the top of the box and laughed in a loving way. "You didn't have to do this," remarked Kiku looking over the table set with food and a glass of wine each. "Oh but I did.." murmured Heracles hugging Kiku from behind.

'Happy 3 year anniversary' read the top of the cake.

As they enjoyed the home made meal, they shared in pleasant conversation about their respective jobs and maybe just maybe adding a couple of additions to the family.

Kiku excused himself from the table for just a moment before coming back with a blank envelope in his hands. He handed it over to Heracles and felt a wave of nervousness come over him. Hopefully Heracles liked it.

Heracles looked at the envelope before opening it and taking out the contents. Four tickets lay in front of him on the table. Two different dates on each one of them and two separate locations. "What is this?" asked Heracles as he looked between the tickets and Kiku.

Kiku clasped his hands together, noting the excitement and wonder he brought to Heracles. "I knew we are far from home and I mostly go to visit Japan or you go to Greece by yourself, so I thought that this time, we could both go to our countries together." explained Kiku.

Heracles left the table to pull Kiku into a hug with a huge smile on his face. "Thank you so much!" he said happily. He put the tickets in a safe place and cleaned everything up. He told Kiku to put on his pajamas and sit in the living room.

Of course he was going to make sure Kiku was as relaxed as he could be tonight. He had a few things he wanted to watch with his Husband and why should they keep putting it off. There's plenty of time to think about work just not today.

He set down two plates of cake on the coffee table alongside a couple of drinks and cuddled up to Kiku. Kiku sighed contentedly and couldn't of wished for a better anniversary. 

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