Your Coffee Cup - Prussia x Hungary

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Prompt - "There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time" 

Prussia - Gilbert 
Hungary - Elizabeta

Gilbert woke up with a heavy heart. He just felt so tired now a days. He felt like everything lacked that certain shine. Gil, looked over to the bedside table, amongst the cups and glasses half-filled with drinks and the box of tissues he still hasn't gotten around to replacing, was a mug. Not just any mug, a mug belonging to his girlfriend- ex-girlfriend rather.

That mug bore a simple lipstick stain of a pink variety. One that Eliza used to wear all the time. One that he'd bought for her on several occasions when it ran out. That mug belonged to her. It was her mug for this house, for whenever she came over.

It hurt to still see the fading lipstick mark that was left so many weeks ago. He wished that times were simpler and he could go back to when things were good between him and Eliza.

So he wrote all his feelings out into the only thing that kept sane. It's as if he was writing to Eliza herself. 'There's your coffee cup, liptstick stain fades with time.' All he ever wanted was her to be back in his arms and the lipstick stain filled with colour once again. 

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