No One Will Hurt You - Finland x Estonia

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Finland - Timo
Estonia - Eduard 

Prompt: "I'd never let anyone hurt you" 

Tino sat up and looked at the snow falling outside the window. He'd been sitting there for god knows how long. All he could remember was hands on his body. Wandering hands going where they needn't be. Scars littered his body. Many from trying to escape this pain. Others were appeared after that fight he had put up with those men in the street.

He whimpered at the memory and gripped at his own wrist. He wanted everything to go away. He wanted to be free of this nightmare. He didn't want to feel the ghostly hands of the past on his body.

Eduard woke up to the sound of clattering. Someone was in the kitchen. He went to wake up Tino but all he found was an empty side of the bed and a wave of panic surged through him. The Estonian jumped out of bed and hurried down the stairs. He almost tripped and fell at the speed he was running.

"Tino!" he called out as he entered the kitchen. What he saw broke his heart. Tino sat in the corner, his eyes bloodshot and full of tears. Even his face was wet from all the tears. A knife was in his hand. Pills were scattered on the floor.

Slowly, he approached Tino. He didn't want to startled him. Not with that knife in the situation. He kneeled down in front of Tino. "Babe..." he started slowly. Tino looked up at him. It broke his heart to see him like this. It really hurt. He could feel the pain Tino was in. Though he didn't know what was going through Tino's mind. He just knew that Tino needed to be calmed down and shown that Eduard was here for everything.

"Tino... can you give me the knife please." he said softly and quietly. His hand was already wrapped around Tino's fist and started to slowly pull his fingers away from the blade's handle. Eventually he managed to get the weapon away from the Finnish man's hands. He cleaned up the pills and put them back in the cupboard. "Tino, come with me." cooed Eduard holding his hands out.

Tino grabbed them and Eduard helped his boyfriend up. He wasn't going to panic in this situation because right now Tino needed Eduard the most.

He slowly led Tino up to the bedroom and laid down with him. He let the man cry it out until his shaking body came to a still. Eduard still didn't let him go even when Tino fell asleep. He knew that Tino would tell him what it was when he was ready and for now he'll do his best to comfort him when he needs it.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you." he whispered to the sleeping Finn before pressing a kiss to his forehead. 

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